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Status: Complete

C = Hull cusps number Mineral Name + assocs Crystal Syst - Comp. Descript. etc O.N. old number
C 153 Chromite, with talc olivine, pink-quartz cotundum ? cubic = LSOM. Hexoctahedrial FeCr2O4 in spinel group massive rocky, app. often octahedrons S.C. student Coll. 893
C 154 Chromite - with olivine ? or serpentine " FeCr2O4 Sp. 6 = 4.3 - 4.6 - ?
C 155 " " 2 spec " " " Spinel Group S.C. 358
C 156 " with Olivine? or serpentine " Octahedrons - with Serpentine-alter. Olivine S.C. 363
C 157 {Wolframite (Fe, Mn) WO4 (Some qtz. of mica) bladed-crystals Monoclinic, prismatic, tabular, clino pinacoidal - 2 specs cleavage (010) perfect Sp. G. 7d - 7.4 - 7.5 (very heavy - submetallic - Luster
C 158. Wolframite, concentrates " " note cl. planes, very heavy assoc. with cassiterite (SnO2) S.C. 1725
C 159. Scheelite crystals Tetrag. Ca W O4 on Topaz? or quartz - fluoresces Tetrag. white (bluish?) with little min. light on 822
C 160 3 specs " massive - white Ca W O4 - heavy whi-min (5.9 - 6.1) - cleavage pyramidal - visible cleavage. - por
C 161 Scheelite massive Tetragonal Ca W O4 heavy (6. = near 6.0) gray - translucent - cleavage - maybe Topaz ? S.C. #1918
C 162 1 specs Vanadinite Hex. dipyramidal Pb5Cl (VO4) 3 red - orange 1 hex. prisms and 0001 [?] adamantine luster - drusy 6 = 6.9 [?] pur. in Vugs
C 163 Stibinite, Orthorhombic bipyramidal Sb2S3 prismatic, vertical striae, cleavage 11 to 010, metallic gray 35
C 164 " " " prismatic, bladed pur. O.N.
C 165 2 specs " " " " and radiating 1108
C 166 2-spec. Native Antimony Sb Hex. R silvery - tin-white, crys ON. 36
C 167 Bismuthinite Bi2S3 lost? ?
C 168 Stibnite Orthorh. Sb2S3 prismatic, bladed - veins low temp. Hydrothermal. S.C. 1706
C 169 Orpiment with realgar As2S3 [left arrow] (realgar AsS via light), Monocl. prismatic Lemon yellow, foliate S.C. 349
C 170 Realgar. changing into orpiment via light AsS. Monoclinic, prismatic red-orange -
C 171 2 specs Arsenopyrite with quartz Monocl. pseudo orthorh. Massive silvery-Tlh FeAsS - Sp.G. 5.9 - 6.2 granular gray 657 - Worcester 660
C 172 Arsenopyrite some qtz. FeAsS, monocl. more crystalline p.

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