Untitled Page 34




Status: Indexed

SC= student Coll. R-13
Preprinted 30 /Preprinted
O.N.= old number

Number Mineral Syst. Compos. and descript. etc. S.C or O.N or none
C 304 Calcite Hex. ditrig. scaleno. (2131) CaCO3 rhombohedrons-with scalenohedrons, double bareled edges (2151) outting a1 a2 a3 utes ON 1005
C 305 " " rock for Munroe, Forest Gittard chirsi. Rhombohedrons (post. neg.) (1011) and (0111) SC 1717
C 306 " " " (1011) rhomohedrons in dolostone --
C 307 " " " rhombohedron-intergrowth. rusty brown hydrous Feotide stain (limonite) ?
C 308 x " (2 specs 1, 2) " " steep and low.rhomdohedrons -samp. fibrous app. good Cl Fe stain (limonite) 9988 brown
C 309 " flat rhombs " " with clear quartz (hexag.) crystals-in jugs. in tiny shale and [Dr?] none
C 310 (2 specs) Aragonite orthorh. bipyramid CaC03- Aragonite group- fibrous pseudo-hexagonal S.C 898
C 311 " " CaCO3 concetric bands-brown-white crumpling and minute etc faults 7 7
C 312 " " CaCO3 pseudo-hex. Twinned (3 crystals) along or on prism face penetrate twins none
C 313 x " 4-specs " " Flos Ferri (some Fe stain) S.C 1848
C 314 Calcite Hex rhombic CaCO3 - marble - with million tiny calut rhombic cystals ?
C 315 and (a) " " (Aragonite?) Hex? orthorh? CaCO3 mexican onyx (a) book part of some religious-rites from a church? S.C. 1841
C 316 (1) and (2) Aragonite ? orthorh and some calcite " mexican onyx (1) adn (2) --
C 317 (1) and (2) " orthark " polished stalactite,. notehole, bands concentric from Va? cave in (1) --
C 318 Argonite (some calcite) " " stalactite Dunham-Cambrian dolostone --
C 319 " ? Cave " " " Midd.ls-Ordovician --
C 320 " ? Cave 2 stalact. " cobble cave, stalactites --
C 321 " ? Cave and calcite? " Twin Brown stalactites- holes in center --
C 322 " Cave " stalactite-from gentle sloping roof ceiling --
C 323 (5 specs) " ? Caves " stalactites-Middlebury area caves --
C 324 " or Calcite " (3 spec-) a-b-c- belong together depostition of CaCO3 about stem --
C 325 Calcite " "Petrified Hotdog"-concretion CaCO3 clay --
C 326 a and b Calcite and clay (FeO(OH) " possibly some FeCO3 or Ankerite? around a fern leaf and sandy? --

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