Untitled Page 38




Status: Indexed

Preprinted 34 /Preprinted Sec 32 for abbrevs.

number Mineral Composition - Description etc Old Number O.N S.C or p.
-- -- -- --
C 348 Apafite xrystsy rlex. dipyramidal Ca5(F,CI,OH)(PO4)3 greenish, brownish chameled-like Hex.crystals 120 degrees P
C 349 " " " in calcite and quartz 0001 clear. poor H=5 green none?
C 350 x " " " " green brittle -- fractures-enameled-like O.N 1171
C 351 " " " massive, crystalline green-some brown none
C 352 " " " brown fine crystal, with terminal pyramid faces on one end. S.C1805.
C 353 (in pink calcite Wavellite Orthorh-dipyramidal Al3 (OH)3 (PO4)2 5H20-radiating, good cryst-rare- globular, concent. O.N.264? brown color
C 354 " " " radiating, fibrous, white silky luster O.N (Fate 2 Phila (200?)
C 355 " " " greenish-fibrous concent. globul. silky Pur.
C 356 (2 specs) Graphite with quartz Hex dihex.dipyramidal C gray-soft 0001 l H=1-2, G=2.2 perfect. O.N. 705
C 357 Graphite " C large massive flake, layers [Dr?] clear.0001 O.N 735 O.N. 736
C 358 (2 spec) " 2 large specs with quartz " " handspecs size O.N 57 this (a) is graphite
C 359 (2 Spec " in calcite " " with calcite with good rhombic l. graphite-massive-cryst-flaky none
C 360 " with feldspar " " and feldspar. O.N. 844
C 361 " -- " " flake, fibrous-foliate, layer pure O.N.56
C 362 (2 spec) " -- " " pure graphite-flaky-foliate " " 60 S.C. 1806
C 363 (2 specs) Sulfur orthorh dipyramid on calcite (or aragonite?) S yellow, poor or no cleav, H1.5-2.5 G=1.9-2.1-very light, burns-blue fl. tu SO2 good crystals-dipyramids (111) good- crystals O.N 1120
C 364 2 spec " " " " " O.N. 718
C 365 " [Dr?] " " " O.N. 716
C 366 " II " " " part of larger crystal O.N 720
C 367 (4 small specs) " " " radiating, prismate crystals O.N. 962
C 368 Quartz Mex trigonal Trapezohedral cl. (3 specs) Smoky, prismate-rhomb.-pseudo-dipyram. O.N. 1061 3
C 369 " (9 specs " white, clear crystals H=7 S.G=2.65 --
C 370 " " " 8 Geodes-chalcedonic layer first then quatz crystals

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