Untitled Page 42
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old-number or S.C. | |||
C 389 | Quartz Hex trigon. | Trapez. SiO2-var.Chalcedony cryptocrystalline | O.N 478 |
C 390 | " Chalcedony " crypto | " botryoidal " | O.N. 464 |
C 391 | " " " | { SiO2 brown-gray, polished cut-in-half "Thunder Eggs" | none |
C 392 | " chalcdon polished " | SiO2-gray, translucent. | S.C. 1740c |
C 393 | " Jasper " | SiO2 rusty brown may be (cheshire) or (Monkton?) atzite? | O.N. 458. |
C 394 | " S Jasper " (1) bedrock (2) pebble(glacial) (3) en cabochon-polished | (similar to colchester Jasper Vein- no with black Hematite-copper sulfite) | Bor-Crhalco |
C 395. | " "Chrysoprase " or "Prase | SiO2 green-massive dense, conchoidal fracture | O.N.484 |
C 396 } | " novaculite " (Devonian) | SiO2-white, dense, massive conchoidal fracture | S.C. 1817 |
C 397 } | on one card " " " | " white-oilstone "Hard Arkansas | none |
C 398 } | " " " | " white (some rusty FeO(OH) stains | O.N. 957 |
C 399 6 spec 7-8-9-10-polished | " Agate " | SiO2-polished red-blk crypto cryst banded-red-white, green-white, gray. gray-white bonded (chalcedony. | S.C. 1798 |
C 400 | " Bloodstone " | SiO2 Reddots (hematite) jasper in green-drops of blood | S.C. 1740b |
C 401 | " Agate " | " red and white bands. natural unpolished | -- |
C 402 | " {(a) Tiger's Eye (b) Cat's (2 spec. | " " (a) fibrous (2 spec) brown chatoyant-fibrous (crocidolite" asbestos or (b) white etc-fibrous-chatoyant | S.C. 1797 |
C 403 | " Moss Agate (2 specs) | SiO2 dendritic-moss-like mnO2 green to black inclusions | S.C. 1799 |
C 404 (5 specs) 1 #6 large polished section (2) (3) | " Petrified Wood " small-red-with shinearumo congl around it. Jasper-like (Fe2O3) moss-agate-like (3 specs) Agate-like-large shows "knot" where branch came off. | SiO2 Red, black, green, brown, agatized-yellows Araucari oxylon arizonicum ancestral to living S Araucaria imbricata "monkey puzzle" "Chile" S.A. primitive type Araucarie excelsa- Pine-ancestors norfolk Island Pine Permian [Island. 900 miles E of Australia |
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