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C-display coll number Min. Cryst syst. Comp. Descrip. O.N. old number S.C. stud. Coll
C 405 Quartz- Pet.Wood crypto-cryst Hex Trypto SiO2 replaced by SiO2 on ionic (tiny) scale. --
C 406 Quartz- Pet Wood " " " " labeled A.
C 407 (1) Quartz-var Flint- "crypto (2) " " Chert " SiO2 black, brittle, conchoidal coated with chalk (CaCO3) SiO2 li-gray-round-[Dr?] crack nodule none S.C.1934 on
C 408 " Siliceous ? " Sinter SiO2 The Geysir-banded geyserite area-brown and white ON 512
C 409 " " " SiO2 geyserite white fibrous porus none
C 410 Opal mineraloid amorphous SiO2 n H2O-H=5 1/2-6 1/2 : G= 1.95-2.3 (Brown =FeO)OH) "Jasper Opal" yellow-brown O.N 897
C 411 (a) and (b) (2 specs) " " " " from 4 miles " pink-br. (b) and brown (a) 902 and 900 (b) (a)
C 412 " " SiO2 and H2O apalized wood ( brown black white) S.C. 1723
C 413 " A small spec (a)-(b)-(c) gem SiO2 and H2O " opal - (a and b fluoresce - greenish- none
C 414 (a) and (b) Quartz-crystalline " SiO2 (a) 1st layer cryst. qtz.; center chalcedony novaculite (b) botryoidal -last thin coating-chalcedonic,-under-1st layer O.N. 1063 none?
C 415 " (1) " (2) " (3) " (4) Pegmatites (Ign. rock) (crystal peak colo?) " " " (" graphic granite " " " -Residual fluids conc rarer and accessoly minerals and granite-minerals -smoky quartz and microclint or perthite (microcline -Albite, Quartz(gray), Muscovite books in contact-concordant with Bolton Schist "Biotite mira (black) books quartz (gray) microclump white but with muscovite-same S.C. 1905 -none none none
C 416 Muscovite monocl. KAI2 (OH)2 AlSi3O16 {white potash l sing less} "Fish tail" "
C 417 Muscovite " " Ruggles Mine, Grafton n.h. with some faldspar and quartz O.N 1026
C 418 a b " " Tourmaline Hexag schorl. ditrigonal pyramid (a) M7 B3 Al3 (AlSi2O9)3 (O, OH, F)4 Black Trigonal x-sec. striation parallel to c axis, length radial divergent xstls " " rosettes (2) M=Li, na, K, Fe, mg, mn, and ca (b) "same-large and black Trymal, terminated strated crystals mostly in Qtz (+ and - rhombohedrons in b) (a) O.N. 1010. (b) O.N. 387

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