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42 | c= Display-Hall cases | S.C.=Student Coll-numbers O.N= old numbers | |
number | Min. Xrst.Syst | Composition-Description etc | O.N or S.C |
C 419 | Lepidolite monocl prism | K2Li3Al3 (AlSi3O10)2(),OH,F)4 pink-Lavender-001 l. | S.C. 706 |
C 420 | " " | " pink lighter | S.C.697 |
C 421 | Tectosilicates cont'd Orthoclase Feldspar monoclinic prismatic l | altite? Fe-stain and spodumenet qtz ? and black- Tourmaline KAlSi2O8 white, vitreous 2 good pls. clear 90 degrees | S.C.1077 |
C 422 a b (6 specs) c | (3 specs) (2 specs) } Orthoclase crystals monocl. prismatic, cl. | KAlSi3O { a carlsbad twin in rock c. carlsbad twins b. 2-b pinacoids glass 2-c " " 4- Vert.prism 110 2- 2nd order-pinacold | (a) 205 Foote Phila (c) 1096 S.C 1095-and Co. s.c |
C 423 (1) and (2) | Adularia monocl var. of orthoclase | KAlSi3O8 good crystals chatoyant opalescent moonstone | same as 1784-S.C. |
C 424 | {Orthoclase var. Advlaria " | KAlSi3O8 large cryst. penetrating twins in black circle, rosettes of Hematite (iron roses).{c-001-basal-pinncoid? m-110 vert prism m-120 " " tiny Fe2O3 xstls | |
C 425 | Orthoclase-var Adularia | KAlSI3O8 white crystals Cl -90degrees monoclinic | none |
C 426 | Microcline Triclinic cl. 89 degrees 30' | KAlSi3O8 with Albite (naAlSi3O8) Perthite intergrowth-ex-solution | O.N 1020 |
C 427 (a)(b)(c) | " " " Amazon Stone (green) | " (a) Greendark (b) light green. cl- =89 degrees 30' (c) large spec dark green G=2.57 2.54 | (a) O.N. 277 ? ? none ? ? |
C 428 | " Green-polished-faces (all pinacoids) c-001 basal pin;b-side or b-pinacoid 010 | S.C 1800 | |
C 429 | " light green amazon-stone | " with muscovite pegmatite and quartz and black tourmaline | O.N 275 |
C 430 2 specs | Albite Plagioclase Triclinic var cleavelandite | naAlSi3O8 plagioclase feld 2 cl pls cl.=001 or 010=93 degrees 34' S.G.=2.62 usually white-tabular | ? |
C 431 | Albite? plagiocl Triclinic pinacoidal | " " " white and qtz and musc. | O.N. 288 |
C 432 | " plagic " | " var. cleavelandite with qtz and muscovite | O.N. 286 |
C 433 | Anorthite " plagic | CaAl2Si2O8 gray-green {SpG 2.76 cl = 94 degrees 12' | O.N.12 Minn rocks |
C 434 | Labradorite " plagio (Ca-Na) basic simatic | Na-Ca Al2O8 anorthite light green gray-Labradorite dk gray Ca-na=50-50* or 70-30 rock called-anorthosite | S.C 1154 |
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