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number Mineral xstl syst Comp Description etc S.C old num O.N
C 435 (1) and (2) Ca-Na-Labradorite Lime-soda-plagio Triclinic Ca-na AlSi3 polished shed Al2Si2O (2) small (1) large spec play of colors-blue.green S.C.1802 yelowise
C 436 Labradorite " (or Oligoclase) " sunstone polished (or moonstone?) grayfeldspar S.C. 1844
C 437 Labradorite l?) " CaNa feldspar-plagio-black albite twinning striations S.C 1155
C 438 " dk gray " (Feldspathoids " " dark gray, green serpentine ? O.N 1022
C 439 Nepheline Hexag. pyramid (na, K)(AlSiO4) white massive H=5 1/2-6, G=2.55-2.65-greasy SC 2011
C 440 Leucite pseudolsom. (2 specs) trapezohedral K(AlSi2O6) white-phenocrysts in crystals Basaltic lavas-SiO2 deficient ?
C 441 Leucite " (a) and (b) " (a) small phenocrysts-white (b) larger roundish phenocrysts O.N 559 S.C 1768
C 442 Sodalite Isom. Hextetrahedral Na4(AlSiO4)3 Cl blue dodecah. cl. 011 and qtz and CaCO3 ?
C 443 " " " blue-massive, cleav. (purplish) ?
C 444 and (1) (2 Lazurite Isom "Lapis Lazuli gem-2 spec coll. (ha1Ca)4(AlSiO4)3(SO4,S,Cl) blue deep and pyrite and calcite ? (1) S.C 1801
C 445 2 specs Scapolite (Wernerite) Tetreg (1) large (2) small ).N 928 O.N 290 "Na4Al3Si9O24 Cl and mCa4Al6Si6O24CO3 4 pl-cl 11 to 110 and 010 and 101 bipyramid cl. 1st 1 2nd O-prisms sg cross-sections O.N 928 large 290 small S.C. 1986
C 446 Scapolie Wernerite " " massive-greenish-white beautiful-strong yellow flurese S.C 1986
C 447 Zeolites Analcirne (analcite) Isom. hexoct.cl na(AlSi2O6)H2O-trapezohedrons 14 faces- in groups of 3-8x3 white O.N-Foote Phila 101?
C 448 " " " " fine, large, white, trapezhoedrons rock (none) looks like N 247
C 449 (b) Thomsonite orthorhombic "? pink, pebble-worn0on Beach. (amygdaloidal basalt) O.N.25 (red)
C 449 (a) " in rock " na,ca, 3:1 1:3 (same as Analcirne in comp) O.N 9 (red)
C 450 2 spec (1 and 2) Natrolite sphenoidal Monoclinic prismatic Na2(Al2Si3O10)2H2O fibrous radiating v good cl = 110 G=2.25, white, H=510 5 1/2 O.N 242
C 451 " " Giants Causeway, Ireland-needle-like in vug. ...247
C 452 " " " na2(AlSi3)10)2H2O-vug-lining needle-like-radiating brownish coating none
C 453 Chabazite Hex. R. scalenhoedral (Ca1Na)2(Al2Si4O12)6H2O red-rhombohedrons with calcite Basaltic rock none

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