Untitled Page 4
[shells?] for the [Rev? I. C. Smith]. from [Mr J Bland] N York
1 Helicina Lagraciana Orb. [Cuba?]
2 " velutina Poey "
3 " [subunginculata?] Poey "
4 " nor. sp "
5 " Jugulata Poey "
6 " substriata Gray Barbados
7 Prochatella Paukervillie " Jamaica
8 Helicina veritella Lam. "
9 [Cybrudrella Miangeri?] Wood "
10 " plicata Poey Cuba
11 " coerulaus " "
12 " ruodesta " "
13 " elliotte " "
14 " elegaus [Pfr?] "
15 " costata Guild. Barbados
16 " pallida " [L? polms?]
17 Macroceramus Guildiugi [Pfr.?] Portola
18 " Gossei [Pfr.?] Jamaica
19 [Pupa niumia Brug?]. Cuba
20 Cyclostoma pictum [Pfr.?] "
21 " Poeyanum Orb. "
22 " irradiaus [Slurtlt?] "
23 " nodulatum Poey "
24 " D'[Orbygi?anum] Petit "
25 [nicgalomastoma?] auriculatum Orb. "
26 " Autillarum Loub. Portola
27 Cyclostoma Newcunbanum Ad. "
28 Helix drangiana Poey Cuba
29 " [Joharmis?] " "
30 " Guanensis " "
31 " cabensis [Pfr?] "
32 Helix alanda [?er?]. Cuba
33 " Bangelina [Pfr?]. "
34 " Parrainana Orb. "
35 " Bruplandi Lam "
36 " marginella Gruel. Pororico
37 " monsdouta Lea Haiti.
38 " notabilis [Slurtlt?] Portola
39 " formosa [?er?]. Antigua
40 " Isabella " Barbados
41 " similaris " "
42 Glaudina oleacea " Cuba
43 Achalina fasciata Mull "
44 " virginea L. Hait[missing]
45 Helix picta Boru. Cub{missing]
46 " muscarum Lea "
47 Achatinella vulpina [?er.] Laudwich Is.
48 " orata Newc.
49 " vareabiles "
50 " biplicata "
51 " sanguinea "
52 " pirizona [?er.]
53 Helix albolabris Lay. U. [T?]
54 " zaleta " "
55 " thyroidus " "
56 " tridentata " "
57 " fuliguiosa Griff. " "
58 " concava Lay
59 " palliata " "
60 " appressa " "
61 " fallax " "
62 " profunda " "
Notes and Questions
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I have done my best, but not knowing about the subject (my guess is: botanical and zoological?) I struggled with the Latin names. They really need to be confirmed, as I would not be surprise to find I have confused some 'u' for 'n' (especially in association with 'a'), amongst other things.
Also, without the titles to the columns of the table, I assume you didn't want me to add them. So I transcribe the two columns as if it was one. I apologise if that was not appropriate, but I thought it would be less confusing. It was easier to correct also.