Untitled Page 43




Status: Page Status Needs Review

No. Name Locality Donor
660 Cryolite & Siderite & Sphalerite & Chalcopyrite Ivigtut, Greenland p.Wards - 1927- 357
661 (4sp.) Cryolite & Siderite & Chalcopyrite " "
662 Aluminium Bar * H.Foster`31 [6rd?].major
663 (2sp.) Bauxite [Miss Averill]
664 "
665 " Va? ? ?
666 " Arkansas Prof. [B. M. Schmidt]
667 " Cattanooga, Tenn. Purch. Wards 1930s
668 (2sp.) " Arkansas Prof. [B. M. Schmidt]
669 "
670 (6sp.) Corundum Crystals
671 "
672 "
673 Corundum (Emery) Chester, Mass. Prof. [B. M. Schmidt] collected 1926 or 1927?
673 (a) O.N-1048-290- " " 673a - [c?] [B Adams] Coll.
674 Alunite Hyogoken, Japan
675 Diaspore Chester, Mass. [B.M.S.] 1928-30? or 1924-27?
676 (5sp.) Turquoise
677 Halite
678 "
679 (8sp.) "
680 "
681 "
* alloy & nail-Al - Man made - [Duraluminum?]
4%Cu, .5%Mg, .6%Mn & small amts of Fe & Si.
heated to 500oC and quenched, after 4 days it has
strength of 60 000lbs p.s.inch

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I added a line in the table to make it clearer (673 a). And I also moved the text associated with line 662 to an Asterix down the bottom of the page.