Untitled Page 72




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No. Name Locality Donor
1298 Asbestus Portugal
1299 " Mount Holly, UN. (O.N. 1126)
1300 " Transferred to Hail cases exhibit 4/16/66 BMS Avery Co., N.C. Sniffen father, of Harold Sniffen 31
1301 " Mount Holly, U.N. (O.N. 351) Adams Coll.
1302 Byssolite ? "
1303 Garmel Madison Co., N.C. "
1304 " New Milford, Conn. Miss Warner '36
1305 " Trapezohedron [zyfrees] Maine ? pegmatites Miss ^ Helen Avenill
1306 " " " Lived in Fernsbury Teacher?
1307 " " "
1308 " " "
1309 " " "
1310 Garmel and Magnetite Sand n of champlain Bridge .Ft Frederick crown Pt. [Geol] 2112 Class 1930s
1311 (GSp.) Garnets in Clay (O.N. 531)
1312 Garnets in Mica Schist
1313 Garnets in Pegmatite
1314 (Tsp.) Garnets Roxbury, Conn. Miss R. Schnider '37
1315 Garnet (Cinnamon) Warren, N.H. (O.N. 267) Severance Coll.
1316 " { and 1316 O.N. 528 or 531 a = {12 faces - diamond shape dodecahedron - with Trapezohedron (24 faces) - bevelling edges dark - red {101} {112} ~1316 av C.B. Adams Coll
1317 "
1318 " (O.N. 531)
1319 " (O.N. 530)

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