19th Century Scientific Catalogs - Geology & Palentology

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Minerals and rocks - geology department cases [catalog of specimens from the Geology Department, Middlebury College, late 19th C.]

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O.N. = old-number (S.C. - student coll. R 13)
Date etc Locality Donor or purchase
19[5?]9 - 1937 Greenwich, N.Y. R.S. Tefft '40.
1850? ON 654 Sudbury, Ont Rev. Severance Coll. for C.B. Adams
1961 (S.C # 60b) Brandon-Forestdale B. Baldwin and Min. class L. Green, clay, Moser, Wallace, Bill and Kasvinsky. '62 class
1934 etc? Fall Min. Class Fall Trip Old Mine for FeS_ n. of Sodalite-Syenite replace. in ls? H. Ridlon, W. David, BMS
inclusions of anorthosite [diagram of specimen with labels] rock garnet inclusion anorthosite Tahawus, N.Y. Explored etc Adirondacks 1940-44 by Ivan Hagar Mr. Wheeler geol. and
same same Open-pit-mine-Archean rocks Largest Ti mine (ilmenite in U.S. Min class - 59, 40, '47, '48 etc. Mr. Wheeler min class - 1949-1958.
(a) 1949 1947-1956? (a) Tahawus, N.Y. Adirondacks (a) Mr Wheeler + Min classes 1947-1958
(b) to give outline (b (b) of ore body - also 1950-64 use air born - magnetometers etc. (b) Mr Wheele [ets?] see above
Summer 6/1934 Cobalt. Ont. mines rocks - Huronian? Congls - [Oowganda?] B.M Schmidt 1925-1965
e - epigenetic - veins dodecahedron forms P 1931 C78a conglomerate (Tillite) - some Tunaberg Sweden. Keewatin? and Timiskaming [sq.?] Ward`s Rochester (9/65)
surface Cobalt Ont. area B.M.S 1934 (C79a O.N. 121 Nipissing Mine, Cobalt, Ont. A.E.Burt) (C79 - 3 specs )
[diagram of rock layers with labels] Huronian whitewater 1926 Lopolith Keeweenaw?n? Frood, Frood Extension - Coniston Creighton-Coppercliff, [mand-ni Corp limited?] Am. I. Ni Co Sudbury - up to 1950 - [So+ofc of Hi - ore.?] Cobalt, Ont. 2 spec.
(C89 purchase 1928? 1930s? Riddle, Oregon purchase Ward's Rochester (S.C. Number 1896 - under N.Y. " C82 (5a) " selicates
P[1?] Wards 1931 Jackson Co., N.C. 1931 - Ward's Rochester
? ? ? Adams Coll?
1930s purchase? Butte, Mont. (possibly from Philipsburg, Mont. area? BMS 9/65) purchase in 1930s
ON 295 " 1847-50? Anaconda, Mont. Plainfield, Mass " " C.B. Adams Coll.
O.N> 589. - (probably) Cummington, Mass. " " " coll. }1847-50s
purchase 1931 Ward's Rochester W. Cummington purchase 1931
O.N. 237. [cull?] - started May 18, 1839 Swanton, VT. ??? (for C88a probably Ohio. Ky. C.B. Adams - Coll. " " " began in 1815/1839
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C= Hall Cases Collection - S.C.= Student Coll. - room 13 22

number Mineral + cryst. syst. Composition,- description etc old numb O.N. w S.C.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C 218 Chrysocolla - amorph (4-specs) mineraloid CuSi O3.[n]H2O bluish green, [conchordal] with [mulochite fruit.] [reniform - concret]. H=2-4
C 219 " (2 specs) " " " [conchoidal], fiss. veins
C 220 Azurite monocl. Cu3(OH)2(CO3)2 fine [dk] blue crystals __ S.C. 1843
C 221 Dioptase Hex. 3 Trigonal Cu3Si3O93H2O, fine crysts. - 1st + 2nd O. rhombohedrons S.C. 1901
C 222 Cuprite Isom., [Hexocta.] Cu2O red-ruby-to black, G=5.8-6.2 (brown red) heavy metallic [aRam. too dull
C 224 " massive ” vein-like in rock, [samp] green- malachite - brecciated (2 specs)
C 225 Cinnabar Hex. (4 specs) Trig [Trapezoid] (rare) [marais?] - Sp.G. = 8.0-8.2 _[adum]_ [too] dull luster
C 226 " mercury [sulfide] " " " " " [folq = 86%] [?]
C 227 " " " " " " massive " ON 604
C 228 " " " " with [stibnite] " S.C. 1766
C 229 " " " " " " (3 specs) " smallest 1714 2 large 1707
C 230 Gold - with silver? in pyrites FeS2 Au in quartz - with crustification - vein - gold difficult to see . O.N 117
C 231 [S a, b 1 c, d] Gold in quartz Au a and b specs with green + blue mineral - also limonite - carbonate no visible gold - contact [of 2 stz. veins ]
C 232 a + b Gold in [Cumminstunite Schist] (see C 487 for tiny placer - nuggets) Au - (a) speck in white circle + rock (b) rich ore with arsenopyrite in white circles - big spec. L 2=Leads S.D.
___ * ___ ___ ___
C 233 Gold "mossy" Au + carbonate - min + Limonite[?] + pyrolusite [?] ___
C 234 Gold - in quartz Au in quartz 5 spec.
C 235 Gold (not visible) Au assoc. with pyrite fiss. vein primary, hypogene hydrothermal in slate + granite West slope [y Sierras - east y Sacrament.]
C 236 Silver Ore Ag. minerals? azurite + malachite - [fiss] blue - green O.N. 94
C 238 Silver with native Copper : Isom. [Hexoctah . cl. c 238 e] Native [Aq. Coba H ont.] [S.C. =238 a = 196.]
" 238 a
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Time given [on purch.] Locality and [geol] etc. Donor or source
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P 1930s n.B. S.C. 2075 (1) Miami, Ariz - [undol] cyclosilicates ([Beryllate?]). Bisbee, Ariz., (4 specs) - supergene zone. - oxidized - famous [Cu] camp p. World Min. Supply Co Roanoke, Va
Summer 1927 Santa Rite, [n].M. supergene zone - ( light - very 2.0-2.2 [= G] BMS and P. Dempsy ' 28
Dec. 1944 ? (with a little malachite) Tenbrook Est. Dr P. [W/M]ellen, Midd, Exec. [Dentist]
Aug 1948 French Belgian Congo, Africa - Oxid. zone deposit Capt. R.C.M. Page
p ? 1930 [Butle], mont. (3 spec " " deposit p. Wards - BMS.
Summer 1927 Santa Rite, [n]. M. [?] (very heavy) BMS P. Dempsey ' 28
" " " " " fissure veins in ign. rock. supergene 2 [one] above w. table " " " "
p 1931 2 spec Morton Wash. [T] [mio (90 woliq ?) volcanoes, brecciated, [fissure vein lels???] and intrusive Low Temp - hypogene p. Ward's, [Roch. n.y.???]
new Almaden [Calif] Idria - Carniola - (peninsula) Jugoslavia ([Idrija]) {II 1253 - also [HqS - lasts] same donor from India} Gen`l M. Field [Severance] Coll.
summer 1942 Red Devil mine Sleetmute on Kuskokwim R. - [Kiselalika] area Alaska ([C.B. Adams] Coll.)Stan Johnson '42
Summer 1941. " " . " contact with shale, [vugs] cinnabar settles near Top [4/9?] veins . . W.M. [Cady] 34 - in cgarge party . U.S.G.S. W.M. [Cady] '34 chief Geol.[R.V. Cushman] '39 ASSIST. U.S.G.S.
summer 1941. Colo.? [offset] grey band fault?(very small pyrite crystals or MnO2 [stain]) Rev. m.L. [Severance] C.B. Adams Catalog
" " " " Carbon Hill[s] [Calit]. . c and d - [true] - visible Au in black circles. " " " " " "
1926 summer [Homestake] mine (W.R. Hearst mine) Schist p[∈???], with Leads, S.D. some dolostones - p[∈] folding C placers found in [f ss] - Deadwood [+] also recent B.M.S. summer 1926
summer 1929-31 Leadville, Colo. Given to BMS - by mine worker Paul Schmidt at Leadville, Colo B.M.S
- - -
summer 1927 [rock] - Grass Valley, Calif. source of famous `4[9] placersmother lode fiss. vein via Sierra nev. [plutch], J-K, into [maripose] slates, J. BMS P. Dempsey [(Junior year)] `28.
1839-50? S. Barcelona - Spain in qtz. C.B Adams Coll [Rev] M.L. [Severance]
Nevada? incrust. edges etc fluoresces cream white C.B. Adams coll. ?
1939_+ Keweenaw Penin., Mich.. [NE of] Houghton [238a] Cobalt + niccolite [or ol.] skutterdite [238a B7815 1926] Gilbert Boardman C.B Adams Coll.
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=24= symbols see II p 22.

number Mineral + cryst syst etc Composition, descript. etc old numbr O.N. + S.C.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C 239 Native Silver Isom. Ag. with some black tarnish - flat mossy. O.N 1180
C 240 " " vein Ag - in sandstone - - thicker + dark layer fizz - carbonate [Is.] ON 73 or 74
C 241 a+b (a) 3 spec [C + yolite] prism. cl. (a) monoclinic "ice stone" (a) Na3AlF6 white - often pseudocubic Cl. [fasal 001], and 110 almost ⟂ massive p.
C 241 b " (b) prismatic " 2/3 (b) " large spec. O.N. 963
C 242 Corundum Hex - R. scalenohedral, Al2O3 32/m, H=9. [Hematite group] ( includes also Ilmenite Dana's min syst. [VII Fd] 1951 pp 520-527 pyrite, teldspar cut-surface-(hand spec) O.N - Foote Phila 231 (176) 2 [stpia]
C 243 " Hex R " " crystals, barrel-shape-prisms H=9, G=4.0 few-rhombuhedron faces (1011) 11 specs
C 244a Corundum " " H=9.0 - large crystal - Hex. rhombic parting striations ⟂ and [△] 60°
C 245 Bauxite amorph mineraloid Al2O3 etc pisolitic - dull earthy - hematitic [red] frags. 2
C 246 " " Al2O3 + [n? h?] H2O +FeO(OH) + Fe2O3, Fe[I][2]O4 cream color - pisolitic. ___
C 247 " " " brownish (Fe2O3) pisolitic - concret. mixt of gibbsite and diaspore ___
C 248 nepheline-Syenite rock source of Ark. Bauxite - fresh - unweathered weathered to # C247. ___
C 249 Gibbsite
C 250 Emery - natural famous abasive earlier 18? 19 {mixture of Al2O3, Fe3O4 (+ Fe2O3 + FeAl2O4) (Hercynite) massive blue-gray-fine grained. contains corundum, megnetite, hematite?, Hercynite + spinel - mg oxide (MgAl2O[4])
C 251 Al. metal _ Bar-Al man-made Alloy - 4% Cu, 50% Mg, 6% Mn, +Fe, +Si S.C. 662
C 251 a (nail) for aircraft etc C251a [=] Al. nail - very light, does not corrode 800 ?
C 252 Alunite, Hex. "Alum stone ditrigonal scaleno. Cl KAl3(OH)6(SO4)[2] - pinkish. cream, massive K2O= 11.4%, Al2O3=37% SO3=38.6%, H2O=13% 152
C 252 a Alunite " " " " " "
C 253 Halite ("rock salt") Isom. cubic NaCl Salt Dome, Transparent - cubic (rough) Sp.6=2.1 ___
C 254 " (4 sp.) " " crystals some pseudo. orthorh. shape Transp. - some with air? bubbles 4. Spec. ?
C 255 Halite " cubic - Transp. with liquid bubble in air bubble - (arrows) S.C 2042
C 256 " " " " massive - gray - pink - li. yellowish - [tone] 3 specs
C 257 Carnallite ( 3 specs ) [Orthorh.] dipyramidal. KClMgCl2(H2O)6 pink, crystalline, deliquesces, massive
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Time given w [recieved] Locality - Geology etc Donor or via [purchased]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1839 - 50+ ? Guiaco, Mexico (given beofre [Pres. Hauilia] by C. Dana? or? Mr. Chapman?) C.B. Adams Coll.? - possibly during H.M. [Sepley] ? - C. Dana
" " Salt Lake, Utah (74) (73 - Rollins Mine, Colo.) [Rev] M.S. Severance C.D.Adams Catalog
p. 1930s Ivigtut - W. coast Greenland N 6 ½° W48° Fjord [@ P⋲i] = early precambrian - granite igneous and gneisses. pegmatites - with chalcopyrite, siderite, sphalerite. p - Wards + World min supply co. Roanoke, VA.
1860-1895? Arsuk, Fjord, - Ivigtut, Frederikshaab dist. Greenland pegmatite in a granite stock. [sei] p 110 - 113 Dana's syst min, 7th Ed. 1951 C.B. Adams. Coll. by Dr. H.M. Seeley. [Prop. of ????] 1960 - 1896 at [Midd.]
p.1951? Heavy [tion] plane[s] Craigmont, Renfrew Co. Ont. Canada. intersecting - rhombic brown bronze - alt to muscov G = 4.02 p.? Foote, Phila 231/176
1930s BMS N. Transvaal, S. Africa, all good Hex. crysts [iso ' cs] p. from World Min Suppl. Co., Roanoke, Va (11/65 - does not exist now)
1917-18+? Burgess - Ont. Canada with Al2O3 - brownish + striations plus magnetite plus feldspar or (rhondonire?) - K. muscov. Biot. amphib.? W.G. Foye instr. or Asst. [Prof] of Geol. at Midd. later Prof. of Geol. - Wesleyan, Conn
1917-18 Burgess, Ont - Canada. W.G. Foyw, samp [as] C 244
1800s ? France, [Baux] ? ? of [ls] at uncomformities [pesid - weath - K - age - T ?] C.B. Adams Coll. ?
1930s Carter Ala or Va [resid. w.] feldsp. rich rocks Latheritization Snitten Harold Snitten's father
summer 1927 Bauxite, Ark. [neph.] syenite, [rpsid.] W. etc Phil Dempsey ' - [and] BM.S. - [Trans. cont. field trip summer 1927]
" " " see [Prof. pappr] - T. ntrusive - pluton a [upper K] - intrusive pluton. P. Dempsey '28 [y] BMS "
p ? Richmond, Mass - C.B. Adams ? or later ? B.M.S. for Ec. Geol.
1926 - 27 ? Chester, Mass. - most famous producing area on U.S. green Turkey - original source areas. [yer] of Diaspore (or [opidote?]) strongly magnetic Danas Sys. Min 7 th Ed. Wol. 1, pp 520 + 523 from type Local visit - ott. by [Geol] - Min classes of Williams College Dr. H.F. [Cleland] 1905-1933
1930 HiFos heated to 500℃ + quenched. after 4 days - strength = 60000 lbs. p.s. inch H. Foster '31 geol. major.
p. ? Tochihari, Hyogoken, Japan - in veins in alt. feldspathic C.B. Adams Coll. ?
when ? " rhyolites + trachytes + [endisitis???] - T - paleocene + neogene p. - when v where ? Foote, Phila.
1949 Louisiana, Salt Dome. in [Paleoq.] T. sed. rocks or [plug] salt plastic etc from [Gedded] - deposits. Poole in Geol 21.1 1st yr. geol.
9/65 Lyons, (Wellington) formation Kan. Saltmine - Permian (Mrs.) Flo. Butler to Dr B. Baldwin. she is wide of Prof. John Butler of Eng. Dept.
[S?ep?t] 1928 Berchtesgarten Bavaria, Germany - 20 miles - Permian Salt. N. ? of Salzburg. Austria. - mine BMS. summer trip to Europe
? Stassfurt, (E.) Germany - near Berlin Taste bitter + very sharp KCl = [57.%] MgCl + 34" ? ? ? ?
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C = Hall cases Top fl.W. Sci. [bldg] - S.C. = student collect. - R [13] 26

number Mineral + cryst syst Comp. + Descript. etc + assoc mins. O.N. Old num. + S.C
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C 259 Soda Niter Hexocta. cl Hex. R. NaNO3 crysts. rhombic but rare massive - incrusts - in caves - p.
C 260 Soda Niter "Caliche" (2 specs.) NaNO3 + NaCl + sulfates + carbonates [of] Na + Ca[)] 2 bottles + 2 little specimens 1 bottle 1929 2 nd - " 1954
C 261 Fluorite Isom. Hexocta. CaF2 cubic crystals, octah. cl- 4 planes green cut = on corners of cubes O.N. 11 pr[???] SE Ill.
C 262 " " " purple, cubes - some [xtls] fluresce white see circular 342 Ill.st.G.S. ---
C 263 " " Isom CaF2 - purple - [interpenet.] cubes Oct. cl. light - flouresces - very beautiful ON 17
c 264 AND 264a 264 B = ii 15 " " 3 SPECS (1124 = A) " yellowish, Transp. [penetr.] cubes, Oct. cl, corner [, 11] faces - 264 a+b - good cubes small O.N. 1124. large " 15 " " 16
C 267 Bsrite 2 specs [orthorh?] bipyramid. BaSO4 (heavy spar) Tubualr b-long [axis?] (large) perfect col cl. and 110 cl. [co?] shortest axis O.N. 21? O.N. 22
C 268 2 specs " " " crystals Heavy - G + 4.3 - 4.7 a [less than] b, c [less than] a O.N 169 [X?]28
C 269 " " " " " ON 157
C 270 " " " with malachite heavy [tub?] [cu?] carbonate etc [also?] - quartz [4 stls?] ON 155
C 271 " " " cut and polished O.N. 24
C 273 Barite " BaSO4 fibrous, [concentric?] - shape with fluorite - CuF2 p 507?
C 276 " " " concret. radiating, botryoidal S.C 1893
C 277 Celestite " with Sulfur yellow with CaCO3 + dolomite crystals SrSO4 perf. 001 nad 110 cl. { Tubular prismatic Botryoidal, white to light blue - Transp - Translucent O.N 132
C 280 " 2 specs [intermediate?] with sulfur, beautif. large orthorh crysts. 1003
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Date received Locality + goel etc Donr or purchase.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1937 1930? or '31 N. Chile, Atacama Desrt area - source - origin? Tarapaca form Volcanic rocks of Andres - very dry region. p. Ward's [or?] World mim? [va?]. Rock.N.Y.
1839-50 C.B.Adams coll.
Summer 1965 To Dr B. Baldwin Hardin Co. Ill (SE) Crystal Mine (Minerva Min. Co.) 4 mi. NW of"Cave in Rock"city SE 1/4 Sec 34, T[11?]S, R[9?]E Fredonia Is. meramec, miss system Knot, College P.L.? LaMotte Knot College ( c-262 insitu
1839 - 50? Debry shire, Engl. ? (record lost?) - with sphalerite. C.B. Adama Coll., ( ?)
" " 1124 DeKalb Co. N.Y. = (264 a) ? 16 - Cumberland R.I or Eng? 15 Governeur N.Y. (264 b). on quartz # C264 C.B. Adams Coll
1942 S.E. 111 - Rosiclare area [hypogeiyp - ppig.?] fiss. vein + geodes + vugs - small calcite rhombs - white p. by BMS (geol - 1925 - 65) Summer Trip
1839-50 Rosiclaire, Ill. ?? Locality unknown? CB. Adams Coll.
1839-50 (England? or Conn.? MO.? like 155 O.N) number epigen. hydroth. Heavy Sp6. 4.3-4.7 " " ?
" " O.N. 169 Hartz Mts., Germany Tabular - Cl = 110 or 001 " " ?
" " ? " " 28 " ? " ? " ? South - hampton, Mass. epigen. Lamellar hypogene Longest axis is b " "
" " ? Cheshire, Conn., (nice terminated qtz. crysts. " "
" " G = 5 4.3 - 4.7 heavy " "
? 1839 - 50 1930's? Hexham, Eng. crystalline - gray - white heavy carbonate G= 4.2 - 4.35 P. by BMS [bic?] C.B. " " ? 1930's ?
1957? Washington, Co., Mo C.W Potosi Dolstone, [O-f?] used for oil drilling muds C.W. Welby Inst. Assoc [Ref.?] in Geol 1954-58.
1948 Hamm, Westphalia, Germany used sugar indust. Wards`s p. 1948 (BMS)
1948 San Bernardine, Co. Calif G = about 3.7 " " ? (")
1948 Fidalgo Island, Puget Sound " " (1930`s ?)
1839-50 Girgenti, Sicily, Italy - great S. area + much Aragonite ? CaCo3 C.B Adams Coll.
p 1930's Put-in Bay, Ohio - geode or Vug - filling. p, Wards
1958 ? ? ? ? miss Stella
1839-50? Girgenti?, Sicily, Italy 2nd spec. in with crystals
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c=e95p5 in Hall Numbers Mineral Comp. and description etc s.e = student O.N old Numb
C281 celestite cryst syst. orthork. bipyramid. SrSDy - fibrous. heavy sp. 6=3.4 4.0 O.N. 145
C282 " " " botryoidal - " " —?
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old-number or S.C.
C 389 Quartz Hex trigon. Trapez. SiO2-var.Chalcedony cryptocrystalline O.N 478
C 390 " Chalcedony " crypto " botryoidal " O.N. 464
C 391 " " " { SiO2 brown-gray, polished cut-in-half "Thunder Eggs" none
C 392 " chalcdon polished " SiO2-gray, translucent. S.C. 1740c
C 393 " Jasper " SiO2 rusty brown may be (cheshire) or (Monkton?) atzite? O.N. 458.
C 394 " S Jasper " (1) bedrock (2) pebble(glacial) (3) en cabochon-polished (similar to colchester Jasper Vein- no with black Hematite-copper sulfite) Bor-Crhalco
C 395. " "Chrysoprase " or "Prase SiO2 green-massive dense, conchoidal fracture O.N.484
C 396 } " novaculite " (Devonian) SiO2-white, dense, massive conchoidal fracture S.C. 1817
C 397 } on one card " " " " white-oilstone "Hard Arkansas none
C 398 } " " " " white (some rusty FeO(OH) stains O.N. 957
C 399 6 spec 7-8-9-10-polished " Agate " SiO2-polished red-blk crypto cryst banded-red-white, green-white, gray. gray-white bonded (chalcedony. S.C. 1798
C 400 " Bloodstone " SiO2 Reddots (hematite) jasper in green-drops of blood S.C. 1740b
C 401 " Agate " " red and white bands. natural unpolished --
C 402 " {(a) Tiger's Eye (b) Cat's (2 spec. " " (a) fibrous (2 spec) brown chatoyant-fibrous (crocidolite" asbestos or (b) white etc-fibrous-chatoyant S.C. 1797
C 403 " Moss Agate (2 specs) SiO2 dendritic-moss-like mnO2 green to black inclusions S.C. 1799
C 404 (5 specs) 1 #6 large polished section (2) (3) " Petrified Wood " small-red-with shinearumo congl around it. Jasper-like (Fe2O3) moss-agate-like (3 specs) Agate-like-large shows "knot" where branch came off. SiO2 Red, black, green, brown, agatized-yellows Araucari oxylon arizonicum ancestral to living S Araucaria imbricata "monkey puzzle" "Chile" S.A. primitive type Araucarie excelsa- Pine-ancestors norfolk Island Pine Permian [Island. 900 miles E of Australia
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C-display coll number Min. Cryst syst. Comp. Descrip. O.N. old number S.C. stud. Coll
C 405 Quartz- Pet.Wood crypto-cryst Hex Trypto SiO2 replaced by SiO2 on ionic (tiny) scale. --
C 406 Quartz- Pet Wood " " " " labeled A.
C 407 (1) Quartz-var Flint- "crypto (2) " " Chert " SiO2 black, brittle, conchoidal coated with chalk (CaCO3) SiO2 li-gray-round-[Dr?] crack nodule none S.C.1934 on
C 408 " Siliceous ? " Sinter SiO2 The Geysir-banded geyserite area-brown and white ON 512
C 409 " " " SiO2 geyserite white fibrous porus none
C 410 Opal mineraloid amorphous SiO2 n H2O-H=5 1/2-6 1/2 : G= 1.95-2.3 (Brown =FeO)OH) "Jasper Opal" yellow-brown O.N 897
C 411 (a) and (b) (2 specs) " " " " from 4 miles " pink-br. (b) and brown (a) 902 and 900 (b) (a)
C 412 " " SiO2 and H2O apalized wood ( brown black white) S.C. 1723
C 413 " A small spec (a)-(b)-(c) gem SiO2 and H2O " opal - (a and b fluoresce - greenish- none
C 414 (a) and (b) Quartz-crystalline " SiO2 (a) 1st layer cryst. qtz.; center chalcedony novaculite (b) botryoidal -last thin coating-chalcedonic,-under-1st layer O.N. 1063 none?
C 415 " (1) " (2) " (3) " (4) Pegmatites (Ign. rock) (crystal peak colo?) " " " (" graphic granite " " " -Residual fluids conc rarer and accessoly minerals and granite-minerals -smoky quartz and microclint or perthite (microcline -Albite, Quartz(gray), Muscovite books in contact-concordant with Bolton Schist "Biotite mira (black) books quartz (gray) microclump white but with muscovite-same S.C. 1905 -none none none
C 416 Muscovite monocl. KAI2 (OH)2 AlSi3O16 {white potash l sing less} "Fish tail" "
C 417 Muscovite " " Ruggles Mine, Grafton n.h. with some faldspar and quartz O.N 1026
C 418 a b " " Tourmaline Hexag schorl. ditrigonal pyramid (a) M7 B3 Al3 (AlSi2O9)3 (O, OH, F)4 Black Trigonal x-sec. striation parallel to c axis, length radial divergent xstls " " rosettes (2) M=Li, na, K, Fe, mg, mn, and ca (b) "same-large and black Trymal, terminated strated crystals mostly in Qtz (+ and - rhombohedrons in b) (a) O.N. 1010. (b) O.N. 387
Last edit 3 months ago by awalker23
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