Fort Stevens, [DC?]
Dec. 20th 1863
Dear Father
We are having very cold weather these
days. You must be completely frozen of - but have had
no snow as yet. Last year we had a severe snow-
storm on the 7th of November - this year we have not seen
a flake. I am fairly [moved?] into my new quarters -
& am as comfortable as can be. We kept a hot coal fire
till we got the pastering fairly dry - so we took no
cold. You know I suppose something of my chum -
Lt. Austin of Bat. "I". I believe I have told you that
he is a [Burlington?] Collegian of three years standing,
& a consistent church-member. I have learned to
think very much of him - he is quiet - but of a
good deal of determination - one of those fellows that
would understand danger & dare to face it - is a
scholarly fellow withal - Much more so than my Lt.
Lewis who though he has had a good many advantages
- most of them of his own making by the way - is
never meant for a scholar - nothing literary about him.
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