I am very much pleased that circumstances have placed
me with a fellow like Austin, & I know you will be .
It seems less like army - & more like home. He is
on a Court- Martial and at Bunker Hill - four miles
off - but hes here still, has transportation in an Ambulance
with Capt. Lee. He has had considerable trouble - was promoted
into a Bat. against the wishes of everyone in it, but has
worn well & is very much liked by all its members
now excep Capt. Templeton - a worthless fellow - a disgrace
to the service - & one or two of his "set" - Templeton has
tried every way to get rid of him - by transfer etc - but
Austin wont go - & I admire his spunk.
We are kept busy in spite of the cold weather - Yesterday
Maj. Chamberlain inspected in Artillery, preparatory to
the coming inspection of Gen. Barry - & he is so faithful
that we nearly frose to death - My Co. did very well
I thought. Today we were ordered to Slocum
at 9 A.M. for Inspection which we understood to
mean drill - The Major was in command - & had
"Charged front forward on first Company" - the men
rubbing their ears & taking no interest in the drill,
when Col. Warner came out & ordered us home - "too cold
to drill" - A Battalion means from two companies to [?] - & a
Battalion drill is a drill of two or more companies in regimental
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