



Status: Complete

manouvers usually the same as a regimental drill that
we can have a battalion drill at our own fort.

You have probably seen in the papers of Buford's
death & the obsequies - The officers of the Division were
requested to attend - & so we went down this P.M.
I rode old grey - & was very comfortable in my
big overcoat & cape - We were ordered to attend
assemble at Division - Haskins - Headquarters
& go from there to the church - & the consequence
was - intended perhaps - that we could not get
in - as there were three times as many present
as could be accommodated in the church. I
succeeded in getting on to the threshold of the door
towards the close of the service - Saw lots of
big generals. Sicles is the finest looking one
in the crowd -- & is quite a lion here - quite
a change in the his social status in the last
two years There was an escort of Infantry,
Artillery & cavalry under Gen. Stoneman who has
a voice like a lion - & a big procession of military
men - Cavalry officers & c- But I cut for
home when I had seen it pass down the
Avenue. It was quite a show - & Buford
deserved it-

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