If I was to home I would stay there but
at the same time of they will move on
towards Bull Run or send us to Port Royal as
we expect to soon I will be satisfied. I have
not so cowardly hate to The Rebs but I
would like to see them make their way home, as
fast as we have done to give you my Opinion.
I think it will be some time before we beat them
probably The next news you here from here
will be of a serious nature probably will awaken
The meaning of history to find a Bloodier
Battle, the advance is to be made soon [?]
and There many a poor fellow who is nobly
standing The privations of a Soldiers life
for The Cause will yes thousands and maybe
your humble Servant change This life for a
life unknown to all, I have said that I would
not complain of what I had to do but when
They come to make Slaves out of white then
its time to complain Our Brigade consisting of
The [?] are compelled to drill 4 times a day and
we are The only brigade we are [accused?] first
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