February 22nd' 96
My Dear one
Have positively been blue today isnt it absurd. Your practical unpoetical mind will probably say "humph" chicken salad late last night so I dont get any pity from that quarter but to tell the truth, I hate and abominate holidays away from home
by yourself - there is a forced air of festivity about things, which jars upon your forlornness, and makes you think of this [underlined] time [underlined] last year.
I hope you had a cheerful happy holiday likewise Claire & Daddy.
I have just come from a long walk in Central Park, where I wandered to get exercise, and shake off the blues (alias, chicken salad)
I went and saw the animals. They have a splendid Zoo in the park.
Do you know that it is light till six o'clock now a days. That is always my calendar, the approach of long days and short nights! The thought of the day lengthening sends a thrill over me of perfect happiness, I am such a summer girl - How we shall enjoy the long twilights this summer. We have never had any twilight evenings together yet. Fall came too roughly on in the wake of our happiness. I wonder if Daddy had a pleasant birthday &
whether he got my letter and book in time.
Make a fight against that feeling of ennui with college, I think it will help you to think that these are, in all your life, the last three months of school. Your life has been all school so far, and we must cling tenderly to the passing of the old regime, perchance the more life holds sorrow and their a day will come when memories of the old free care-less life will be a source of great happiness.
But, I know and can appreicate your feeling
of resillencess to begin the fight, and with it that natural hesitancy to throw down the gauntlett to the fates. However, Love, we can only live one day at a time, so that is all that can be expected of us.
Have you kept your promise and made a visit to Grandma & Aunt Emma, since I left, I fear not. Go soon, dear, and ask them if they each got my letters, I have asked Papa, but he