February 28th 96
5. P. M.
My Dearest Heart,
Had a splendid lesson this morning, with your letter to start off the day -- This afternoon got my proofs, and took them over to Mae to pass judgement upon. She likes the pillow of roses the best so she [?] me for that But you are to take your choice, my love, it matters not to me, so you are pleased. I wonder if you
suddenly I spied you among the crowd and you did not [kiss?] me because there were so many people present, but you just looked volumes into my eyes and we grasped each others hands and we sat down quietly upon the deck oblivious of everything but each other. Such a happy dream -- with nothing to it but love. Now I must practice, sweetheart, before I go to dinner, so will bid you a loving goodnight -- your own faithful one