March 4th 1896 Morning
My Dearest Love
My fingers are so cold I can scarcely make them write. On my table lies a letter I wrote you last night waiting to be mailed, but as I have just read yours of Sunday Evening with a plea for more Oak Park letters, I am just going to drop you a line before I go out to mail them
My Dear, although I forgot that it was Sunday that
your boys went to be received yet I must acknowledge that I felt your spirit near me all the morning. Absence does not seem, as far to have had a quieting effect upon our loss, It is just as strong as ever and I sometimes think stronger for it seems to me I lose you infinitely more than I did the 19th of September.
Did you ever think how munch influence on both our lives that poem "By the fireside" by Browning has had. I read it many
years ago and made up my mind then that if God ever sent the right one, I would not try and test him, in the usualy way girls do, now give him one moments uncertainly and [fair?] but would give him my love and myself as freely as the sunshine gives warmth and that, instantly - I am so glad I knew the true knight, when he came, for I scorn the thought of a man [he seeking?] a woman repeatedly to marry him, what is loss worth, gained
by tormenting there is no free gift about it.
Claire, ask my brother George to write to me, he is the only one who has not. I am owing Grace and Alfred letters but shall have the pleasure of writing them later on today. Remind George how much I think of him and tell him to go over and borrow any of my books that he likes, I know they are safe in his keeping.
Now good morning, Love, and God bless all you dear ones. Give my love to the dear mother.
Your own faithful Grace