Letter from Grace E. Hall to Clarence Edmonds Hemingway


Letter written by Grace E. Hall in New York to Clarence E. Hemingway, dated February 26, 1896.

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.


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February 26th '96

My Darling,

My how your ears ought to have burned, all night. Mar finished her sketch of me about 1.30 A.M. and then we went to bed, but (woe is me) not to sleep - for I must confess that after the manner of giddy girls, we talked until about 4 A.M. and you may imagine, your made a wax

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not tabooed from the conversation, nor did I talk little of you and all our love meant for one another. We got up at 7 A.M. and after breakfast, went to the photographer where Mar posed me, so you would have a squint of your love as she looked on the stage last night. Hope the picture will turn out decentlybut am fearful, as I have sence been told that I went to an awfully poor place.

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came just as we left the house. I have been dispensing roses all day today, such [dainties?]. I went to a grand musical this afternoon, and when I returned found your picture and Monday nights (love chapter) wiating for me - now I shall get more tomorrow. I send you enclosed a copy of a sermon which I heard Dr. Ketleigh preach Sunday before last. It was of such great help to me, clearing up

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uncertain points in my belief that I wrote to him and asked him if he would not publish it. He replied that he would, and sent me several copies. I sent one to Elcie, trusting it might help & when you have read your copy, hand it on to some one whom it may help to a better understanding of the devine inspiration of schoastically as offered - & the mere good philosophy of Buddism.

I think that his sermon would counteract the wide spread harm done by Sir Edwin Arnold's "Light of Asia" which only has the effect of unsettling superficial minds.

My love now, darling, & a sleepy kiss. I have felt it in the heart of the rose for you.

Your Grace

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[image: back of envelope postmarked]


Chicago Ill Feb 28 18

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu
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