Letter from Grace E. Hall to Clarence Edmonds Hemingway


Letter written by Grace E. Hall in New York to Clarence E. Hemingway, dated February 25, 1896.

This is a scanned version of the original image in Special Collections and Archives at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.


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so still. Mae Van dressed me & came home with me at my earnest pleading, she is now setting making a pen and ink sketch of me while I write to you - Every one says I am beautiful tonight, so I suppose it is so. I know I should be in your eyes. Your loving telegraph message came this afternoon, what a thoughtful sweet thing to do, so like you - my own love - Well, my back is beginning to ache terrible - I wish she would get through drawing me. Oh - Madam Caffian was there tonight, and professed to be fond of me - Then the whole Hawkins family, Mrs Norrell & a friend, The Russells, Uncle Sale, Mr. Bigelow, who went with me to the theatre the other night, Mr Chisenger & Heinrich Mein with celebrated singers, The Misses Lathrop, Miss Mae Van & friend and the Fallows. This was my list of invited guests. The Pandachs could not be there - too bad - wasn't it? Well

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu


February 25th 12 midnight

My Darling

The concert is over and a great success. I was received with applause each time and encored The Appollo Club presented me with a huge mass of American beauties when I finished my "Faust song + I held my arms full of roses while I sang "Your Premiere" and you could have heard a pin drop the house was

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu


Sweetheart;- guess she is about done so will bid you goodnight Tomorrow morning I get your loving Sunday letters ; none today but the telegram ; Oh how tiresome it is to have the public gaze at you and focus their opera glasses on you and tell you you are beautiful and that you sing divinely when you would so much rather have just one person look at you and tell you you are beautiful- Tis love that makes the world endurable. Well sweetheart a tender loving kiss from the Prima donna


Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu


[image: back of envelope postmarked]

Oak Park, Ill Feb 22 7:00 AM 1896 REC'D

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu


[image: front of envelope postmarked and stamped]

New York Feb 25 1 PM

From G.E.H. 169-63rd St. New York City

Clarence E. Hemingway 500 N. Oak Park Ave Oak Park Cook Co. Illinois

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu
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