Letters from the Hemingway Family Archive

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Letter from Grace E. Hall to Clarence Edmonds Hemingway

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by yourself - there is a forced air of festivity about things, which jars upon your forlornness, and makes you think of this [underlined] time [underlined] last year.

I hope you had a cheerful happy holiday likewise Claire & Daddy.

I have just come from a long walk in Central Park, where I wandered to get exercise, and shake off the blues (alias, chicken salad)

I went and saw the animals. They have a splendid Zoo in the park.

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whether he got my letter and book in time.

Make a fight against that feeling of ennui with college, I think it will help you to think that these are, in all your life, the last three months of school. Your life has been all school so far, and we must cling tenderly to the passing of the old regime, perchance the more life holds sorrow and their a day will come when memories of the old free care-less life will be a source of great happiness.

But, I know and can appreicate your feeling


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of resillencess to begin the fight, and with it that natural hesitancy to throw down the gauntlett to the fates. However, Love, we can only live one day at a time, so that is all that can be expected of us.

Have you kept your promise and made a visit to Grandma & Aunt Emma, since I left, I fear not. Go soon, dear, and ask them if they each got my letters, I have asked Papa, but he

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forgets to answer my questions: so I will put that upon you. "You" - the faithful who never forgets and always attends to my least wishes. What would I do without your love.

I read a deal from Lowell today and marked passages, so much of it for you, dear, I wish your copy was just like mine as I could outline little fragments.

Well, Darling, goodnight. It is now tea time, and I am going to mail this so I go out - A loving kiss from Sunshine.


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feel too strongly about it but ----------- to me the evening was a prolonged torture being forced to smile at remarks that ones better nature revolted at.

Frank Erhart called last night and what a different Frank to the one we knew two months ago. He is going to be a grand good man.

It was an inspiration to Les, I could see, to talk with him.

Goodbye in haste Yours Grace

Last edit 6 months ago by transcriberB
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Sunday Evening February 28. 1896

My Dearest Love,

This have been a most heavenly day, as balmy as April.

To begin, where I left off, last night, I went to bed about 8.30 and slept 13 hours. I had my quiet little Sunday prayers and then went to Dr John Hall's church.

Heard a most noble fine Gospel sermon, no

[top margin] [text continuation from last page of letter] for me when it is 8 o'clock by your nine, I shall read our combined strength in more ways than you realize.

Good night - God bless you and guard you this week -

My dear love Your faithful loving Sunshine [/top margin]

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu
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sensationalism, but a grander sermon I never expect to hear in this world.

After dinner, I went over and called on Mar and took her up to St. Agnes' Church where they have the finest boy choir in New York. It is the only one which is said to excell Mallinson's. After the service, it was so warm & springlike that we thought we would come home by way of Central Park and so walked many miles through it, talking of the sacred and beautiful things of life. I don't know whether you have ever been in the heart of Central Park just at dark. it is so wild and unparklike - one could easily fancy themselves amongst the Scotch hills with beautiful lakes revealing themselves unexpectedly amongst the hill tops. We did not get home until about 7 o'clock so hve not time to church this evening.

[Mar Vair?] is going to come and derss me for the concert and ride

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[image: back of envelope, 2 postmarks]

Chicago Illnois Sta. D. Feb 25 5 PM. REC'd

Chicago, Ill. 1896 Feb 25 4 PM


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[image: front of envelope, stamped and postmarked]

[image: red stamp United States 2¢]

[postmark: New York, Feb 24, 11 AM]

From G.E.H. 169 - East 63rd St. New York City

Clarence E. Hemingway 870 West Adams St. Chicago Illinois

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu
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so still. Mae Van dressed me & came home with me at my earnest pleading, she is now setting making a pen and ink sketch of me while I write to you - Every one says I am beautiful tonight, so I suppose it is so. I know I should be in your eyes. Your loving telegraph message came this afternoon, what a thoughtful sweet thing to do, so like you - my own love - Well, my back is beginning to ache terrible - I wish she would get through drawing me. Oh - Madam Caffian was there tonight, and professed to be fond of me - Then the whole Hawkins family, Mrs Norrell & a friend, The Russells, Uncle Sale, Mr. Bigelow, who went with me to the theatre the other night, Mr Chisenger & Heinrich Mein with celebrated singers, The Misses Lathrop, Miss Mae Van & friend and the Fallows. This was my list of invited guests. The Pandachs could not be there - too bad - wasn't it? Well

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Khufu
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