



Status: Complete


our money, but we are still quite well off. The
A[?] paid me the miserable pittance of L650 - & now
we have L952 - L272 of which (the allowances) is free
of I.T. It has come hard on us, having to pay so
much I.T. all at once - but this is always liable to happen
when commission & bonus has been paid. And you did
invest the whole L200 - almost 1/2 of which is now being
asked for in taxes. And once you have recovered
from the shock, we are the gainers, by this delayed
action, because the money has been invested already
& has commenced to earn dividends.

So do not worry, my darling - we shall still be able
to save a little - & we have recovered from an
overdraft of L115; & you have put L200 away; & we
have no bills at all; & the insurances are still
being paid. Our position is really very good for war time.
And so long as we have saved some money & are
now hanging on to it, I think we do very well.
Are you beginning to think yet in terms of a
really & truly socialist Britain? Because I am
quite sure that that is what you want as much
as I do. And therefore, we cannot think about that
& at the same time think about how high we
can get my salar from the Assn, & how
much commission on profile I can earn. Because
the more my commission, the higher the profits

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