



Status: Complete

my blues - but they do not matter, because they are not
allowed to be worn now. As you said in one of your
letters my Ma certainly is a peach. Fancy asking you
to get me out of the Army after the war. As if I shall
not want to have as little to do with it as possible,
& also does she not yet realise that we shall be
having conscription for at least several years because
after this war is over, I had an A.G from her a
few days ago - onto which she had managed to
squeeze ten lines of writing. She told me to be
sure I write to Aunt Sarah when I received the
money she was sending for me. What does she
think I am? Anyway - a registered envelope
arrived on Xmas Eve which I opened with
trembling hands & found £2 inside which is not
too much but better than nothing at all.

Trudi was married on NOv 6th - did you hear that?
I had a cigarette lighter with my name insxribed
on it from Claimatzki for Xmas which I thought was
very decent of him. I also had cards sending the
Season's Greetings, from all kinds of Jews, which
seemed strange - but I suppose it is just politeness
friendliness really. I wished the Coy a Happy
New Year in September - which is much the same
kind of thing. The head of the Recruiting
Dept of the Jewish Agency sent me 6 bottles
of wine, 2 of shery, 2 of port & 2 of liquers
I put the wine in the mess & keep the
rest in my room, for the benefit of myself,

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