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Letter No.55. Saturday. 28 June

Major.J.H Massey
6 Palestinian Coy, The Buffs
Middle East Force

My own darling Barbara -

Your letters are now arriving beautifully
& your no. 49 of May 5th came this week.
You were worried about me getting into
battle darling & being inexperienced &
maybe losing my temper. Please don't
worry, sweetheart. we are not exactly
fighting troops, unless it is a case of
parachute or air borne enemy troops -
& in any case I am quite certain I
should be perfectly calm & able to deal
with the situation. And never shall I
forget my darling, what i have told
you before, that more than anything
in the world, I want to remain
alive & return to you. And I know I
shall & so you must not even
consider any alternative. The thrilling
happiness to which I am looking forward,
is almost too much to look forward to.
I wish I could have another cable
from you - it is 3 weeks now
since I had the first one from Joan
& I really should have heard by
now. The brutes in the P.O. have

certainly sent it to the wrong
place again. I refuse to worry
because I know them to be such
fools. I called you a few days ago
to send me more news. These
[E. Fer?] cables are now different - do
you know of the new idea? Instead
of being able to send what you want
at the special rate, they have now
instituted a system of set phrases
which are numbered - you pick your
numbers, & can send any of these
for the sum of 2/6. That was
what I sent this week - it seems
they are to be quite fast. but
I hope you do not wonder what
has happened to me - the words
must sound so unusual.

Darling, please send me by p.e.
your measurements. I can buy very
pretty stuff here, very cheaply, &
I can have some ideas, of shorts
& blouses, & even dresses & have
them made up by our Coy Indian
tailor, who is very good & cheap.
And if you have any things which

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