



Status: Needs Review

L.C.H. Friday. 17th Oct. Major J.H. Massey.
6, Palestinian Coy. The Buffs

My sweet darling -

Your cable has just arrived to say you will
try to get a doctor's letter, but that you are
not hopeful. In my case I do not really think
this is essential, being an officer - & as my case
will be built up on a long story of tragedy &
sadness, & the effect which it must have had on your
mind & nerves. And then your cable asks should
you try & get a passage to Africa. Well, darling,
this sounded & seemed impossible at first - but
the more I think about it, the more determined
I become that somehow or other it can &
must be arranged. First of all, I do not feel
that I want you & Max to came by sea - &
I would much rather you came all the way
by air. I don't really know what you can do
about it at your end, but may be I shall
cable you again in a day or two & you can
let me know. But I feel that I may be
able to do something here - I feel that such
things can be arranged by influence, & it
is now up to me to find the right influence
& persuade it to work for me. I do not think
for a moment that the Army will help me at
all, & so I must see what the Jews can do
for me. And here I am lucky in being in
command of a Jewish unit - & also, during the
last week, I have been making recruiting
speeches, & by that means getting in [laid?]
with important Jews &the making them interested
in me. My first approach will be to the
Hon Edwin Samuel & his wife - they are
very influential people on their own account.

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& this, of course, is enormously enhanced by the
fact that his father is Lord Samuel. In addition,
Edwin is chief Immigration Officer in peace
time. they, I hope, quite apart from what they
can do for me, should be able to give me the
last word as to the possibilities. I intend to
write to him & tell him I am coming to see
him in Jerusalem & what about. Then perhaps
from there, I may go direct to the Jewish
Agency & see what they can do for me.

The other approach is through Arkin's brother in
law - Ben-Ami. As I told you, he is an
influential man in Palestine, & he is shortly
coming to England on a business trip - business
connected with the war. Arkin has gone on
week end leave today, & will be telling me all
about it when he returns. One point emerges
- there is such a thing as civilians going to
& from England. Here is Ben-Ami going.
And the last time I saw Mrs Samuel, she
told me she was going to England & back to
see her sons. I am really beginning to
feel that the correct mixture of influence &
purpose will achieve our ends - & that if I
stick at it hard & long enough, I shall get
what I want. And you know darling, that
I am fairly determined when I really want
a thing. The main question now, is whether
or not it is within the bounds of possibility
which do you prefer darling, that I come
home - or that you & Max come here.
Presuming this place to remain outside
the theatre of war - it is a sfe &

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