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war is over & those countries are open again. The result
is that they have little or no national feelings &
they are not prepared to fight or make any sacrifice
they don't have to make. It is a disgusting spirit &
many people would like to use compulsion. But how can
the Government introduce conscription here, when even
in N. Ireland they have not got it?

I have been to the Garrison cinema tonight, saw
"Intermezzo" with the new girl, Ingrid Bergman.
It is a lovely film & I liked it very much. Though it is
sad. Have you seen Ingrid Bergman? she is most
attractive & acts beautifully & with any amount of guts &

I am not in good letter writing mood, I will finish on
this page. I bought a new pair of suede shoes
today with crepe soles. My Cairo ones for 25/ &
with which I was so pleased, were worth no more
than their price & are now in pieces. So this time
I paid £3 & they are excellent shoes. I'm afraid
too, that some of my shirts & shorts are on their last legs-
The dhobis knock such hell out of them. I hate spending
money on new clothes out here, but I am really
getting to the end of all possibilities with my 3
good Cole shirts - having bad a piece from the tail
transferred to the collar twice already.

I'm sorry to finish this letter on rather a dull &
flat note darling, but I feel hellishly flat. But I
am very well, of course & being very careful about
myself. So don't worry sweetheart. A big fat kiss
& hug to Maxie & all the love in the world
to you my sweet darling. Always your Harry XXXXX

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