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damned unfairness that was. And Caley & Pickstone just sat there like a pair of dumbells. I hope by the time I get home they will have learned to appreciate me a little more, & that I shall have some more of my own way.
Sunday - 8 June I had to stop rather abruptly on Friday as I had invited the C.S.M. & C & M.S. to my room, to drink our son's health and I suddenly found it was time to go. The C.S.M. remarked that he must drink the health and so it seemed to be up to me. They both appeared, on the dot, & I never saw whisky go down more quickly.
I had rather a party altogether on Friday & yesterday too. On Friday an English concert party gave a show at one of the local cinemas and I had to provide the men to move their stuff about. The Staff Captain then asked me if I would care to entertain the party after the show - so I put this to the Mess and they all thought it would be a good idea. My Mess is now 18 officers strong & with another Coy in this barracks & various attached people. I also invited some of my Naval friends in order to return hospitality. The concert itself was really damn good - they all worked like blazes & were very clever - and the troops enjoyed it immensely. And the party itself was a great success & we had bits of food & the rooms well arranged & plenty to eat

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