



Status: Complete

I must say I have enjoyed these two parties more than anything, of that kind, for a long time past. I have been so strung up the last few weeks - your letters were so apprehensive about the birth, my darling - & ever since May 8th, I have thought it might be any day. I hardly dared to leave the House, in case the cable came in, & I was not there. And every time it was a blank post. I just went dead & flat & hopeless. Your sweet cable "cable received thankful operation unnecessary patience darling sure be alright letters arriving" - arrived after the one telling of the birth. Is it not infuriating? - this would have been such a wonderful comfort to me, had it arrived in good time. And now - yesterday - another cable. this time E.F.M. has arrived, announcing the birth on the 27th! I wonder which it really was - I think the 28th must be the correct date.

I am also terribly busy again - things have been humming anyway - but on top of all that, I have suddenly been landed with the job of giving 28 lectures to a bunch of senior Police Inspectors, on the methods of the German Army - parachute & air borne troops, measure against tanks & dive bombing aircraft, & so on - all of which is rather a tall measure for me. But I suppose I shall get past - & at least, I have won the reputation in these parts of being the most willing & obliging Officer they have ever met. But it means much work in swotting up & preparing- & will interfere

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