



Status: Complete

my nose & when I dried my ear with the towel. And I
began to think at once about a nice mastoid, or
some ailment which would demand a change of air
& climate. England, for example. But the doctor
syringed it & out came a large lump of wax, & I
was immediately cured. For your information, wax in
our ear is quite accidental & can as easily be caused
by too little waxing as too much! Every single
ache, pain, I get, I think of how it may get me
home. But I am so blasted healthy - which I suppose
is a very good thing really. But I often wonder if
there is such an illness as will leave no mark
or ill effect but which will send me home - but
I am afraid it doesn not exist. And even if it did,
I should not catch it.
There is one thing I notice about myself, you remember
how we both, & me in particular, because as you say,
I am a chub - used to get lines vertically up the
sides of our mouths from laughing. I'm afraid those
don't appear at all nowadays - but they will
again when we are together again. It used to be
grand, darling, those happy, marvellous, times we
used to have. Great lines up to the sides of our
mouths, & a wonderful, gorgeous feeling of satisfaction
& well being & contentment. Those lines will,
there can be no doubt, come again. They
will be happier, lovelier than ever before. but
I do want them to come soon, don't you
darling. I can picture & imagine so much love
happiness, & interest & marvellous contentment

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