



Status: Complete

The Arab part is around the port area & mainly at the
bottom of the Carmel - the two run into each other
a little - but the Jewish part is on the lower part of
the Carmel, to half way up - then there are
a great many odd streets, small groups of houses
& bigger houses by themselves all over the mountain, &
particularly right on top you can perhaps imagine the
marvellous view from the mountain. The port is looked
straight down upon - you see the Mediterranean on
either side of the headland, & right across to Acre &
beyond & further along, to Syria. And way beyond all
this, it is often possible to see Mount Herman, snow capped.
2814 metres, not feet.
The town itself is very modern, but extremely well &
solidly built, nearly all of this white stone again, &
of course it looks beautifully clean & pretty & good
looking. And being built on a hill, almost the whole
town can be seen at once. From top or bottom.

Wednesday July 16th I have had the most awful day today,
auditing the various accounts of the coy. They were produced
by the wretched, ridiculous Tony, & in spite of much
advice & help from me, they were in the most
awful mess - & instead of auditing them, I had to
practically correct them. I was at it from 10 this
morning until 7 this evening - & it seemed pretty
silly having to write across them "Audited & found"
correct", after spending all that time putting them
right. Anyway - I am bustling him off tomorrow.

Friday 18th July At the above point the day before yesterday,
I just could not stay awake any longer, & had to

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