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Letter No. 77 Tuesday Oct 14th

Major J.H. Massey
6th Palestinian Coy., The Buffs

My dear darling Barbara

I have just had your A.G. of Sept 17th & I'm so pleased
that my two parcels arrived safely & that you like the things.
I suppose even two pounds of sugar is a help - but it seems
a little crazy to be sending tea to you which had already been
sent out here from England & before that had come past
this way en route from China. I will buy some jam &
honey as you ask for on my next trip to the Naafi. And I
am glad you like the undies & stockings - even though the
undies were artificial silk. I absolutely adore you in pretty
pants & petticoats & things - may I have more to do with
the purchase of your things after the war, darling?

Poor Madge. It is dreadful about Walter, even though they
did lead rather a chequered life. Please tell her how sorry I
am when you write to her. I think she should just sit
pat with her Michael & not bother about any more husbands,
don't you? Or will she be tempted on account of the
doubtful distinction of having three of them at her age,
& with her looks.

As I told you I was going to, I duly went up to
Zikhran Ya'akov today & attended another meeting & made
a recruiting speech. But it was all rather a farce
as far as I was concerned. I feel pretty annoyed about
it. The main reason for the meeting was to commenorate
the death of a Jewish woman, Sarah Hanson. She & her
family worked very successfully for the British intelligence in
the last war, until they were caught by the Turks. She
behaved incredibly bravely, told the Turks that she was the
chief one & there was no use in questioning the others. She
was tortured & refused to speak & finally managed to
obtain a pistol & shoot herself, as she was afraid she would
not be able to stand any more. So, they decided to
use this day & her memory & martyrdom to give point

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