Letter from Mary Putnam, dated 1864-03-22



Needs Review


a[underline]"six footer"[/underline] - is a real good boy - 23d. Horace is very well now - [underline]talks[/underline] of going back to Va - but guess that will be all. Thinks he would like to give thee a good shake by the hand. Howard is well - sends much love to uncle Willie - My health good. Alice is here yet - she some expects to go and live with her father in Louisville Ky. About all the young folks are married off - Eddie Foster & Tammy Clark were married here in church day before yesterday - went right to Morrisville - Billy Gladding & Julia Foster were married about new Year's - Billy & Eddis have bot the saw mill near Susan's - Geo. Daggett & S. Hamblin, married Christmas - Jay Lewis & Abbie Davis - Wesley Hill & Maria Smith - Dexter Steward & Lucy Pain - Abbie Reed & Sol. Bartlett have all been married this winter - Mamy Stevens [underline]fixing[/underline] fast as possible - but afraid she will miss of being Mrs. [underline]Christopher[/underline] - as his health is very poor - seems to be going like the rest of his family - We have had a beautiful pleasant winter - Hope thee will write often - and as particular as thee can - be very careful of thy self - come home soon as thee can - as ever much love

from sis Mary -

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3/24/64 3/26/64

East Montpelier. 3rd. mo. 22d. '64.

My dear darling Willie-

Oh is'nt it splendid that thee is beneath our dear [underline[old flag[/underline] once more - and can write good long [underline]sealed[/underline] letters againHow can we be grateful enough for the great blessing of having thee released from [underline]rebellious clutches[/underline]! Dear mother and Thomas have each received a line from thee, and to-night one came for me. Yesterday they sent thee a box - filled with various articles for thy comfort. I hope my dear brother will be so careful about over loading his stomach - a numbr of the

Last edit about 2 years ago by catslover
Needs Review


9 mo's. men died after they got home from the effects of overeating. When thee has time I wish thee would write us the particulars of thy [underline]captivity[/underline] - how sick thee was, and what was the matter - and if we need believe one half the horrid "newspaper reports" of the rebels [underline]starving[/underline] and otherwise cruelly treating our brave boys - I think we almost may, by the little thee writes about Kilpatrick's men. How terrible it is to [underline[think[/underline] of - what [underline]must[/underline] it be to realise! May the Lord hasten the day when our beautiful banner can protect every loyal heart. Does thee [underline]really[/underline] think it thy duty to enlist again? - seems to us as tho thee has labored and suffered [underline]about[/underline] thy share. And how

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we want to see thee at home once more - dont thee believe thee can come soon? Mother is pretty well, once in a while has that trouble about breathing. Not near as bad as she was first of the winter. We get good news from Timothy and James - they are in Colerado Ter. expect to stay there this summer - their P.O. is Denver City. Col. [Y.?] Presume thee has heard from sis Ann lately, as we. She seems very happy at Glenwood. Orlana has been there as dressmaker for the girls the last four or five months - is home on a visit now - in fine spirits - going back in a few days. Thomas and [Jans?] seem happy as ever. Charlie has got to be

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