



Status: Needs Review

a[underline]"six footer"[/underline] - is a real good
boy - 23d. Horace is very well
now - [underline]talks[/underline] of going back to Va -
but guess that will be all. Thinks he
would like to give thee a good shake
by the hand. Howard is well - sends
much love to uncle Willie - My health
good. Alice is here yet - she some
expects to go and live with her father
in Louisville Ky. About all the
young folks are married off - Eddie
Foster & Tammy Clark were married here
in church day before yesterday - went
right to Morrisville - Billy Gladding &
Julia Foster were married about new
Year's - Billy & Eddis have bot the saw
mill near Susan's - Geo. Daggett &
S. Hamblin, married Christmas - Jay
Lewis & Abbie Davis - Wesley Hill &
Maria Smith - Dexter Steward & Lucy
Pain - Abbie Reed & Sol. Bartlett
have all been married this winter -
Mamy Stevens [underline]fixing[/underline] fast as possi-
ble - but afraid she will miss of
being Mrs. [underline]Christopher[/underline] - as his health
is very poor - seems to be going like
the rest of his family - We have had a
beautiful pleasant winter - Hope thee
will write often - and as particular
as thee can - be very careful of thy
self - come home soon as thee
can - as ever much love

from sis Mary -

[page break]

3/24/64 3/26/64

East Montpelier.
3rd. mo. 22d. '64.

My dear darling Willie-

Oh is'nt
it splendid that thee is be-
neath our dear [underline[old flag[/underline] once
more - and can write good
long [underline]sealed[/underline] letters again-
How can we be grateful e-
nough for the great blessing
of having thee released from
[underline]rebellious clutches[/underline]! Dear mo-
ther and Thomas have each
received a line from thee, and
to-night one came for me.
Yesterday they sent thee a
box - filled with various ar-
ticles for thy comfort. I hope
my dear brother will be so
careful about over loading his
stomach - a numbr of the

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