Ferrisburgh 4th Mo 14th 1863
Dear Cousin Rachel
So long a time has elapsed since any
correspondence has passed between us that I hardly know where
to begin; but may as well start with the immediate cause
of writing at this time - We sent to the Railroad yesterday
3 lbs of Apples marked "To Stevens, Montpelier" [frt?] pd to Burlington
which I hope will arrive safely &, though so late, not be unwelcome.
We delayed sending them in early winter, having for some time a
prospect of sending a lot to [Mont?] & intending to put yours in so
as to reduce the cost of frt: but that chance failed & then the
weather was so cold that we feared to risk them; so we have put
off sending them till the danger from that source is past, as we hope.
If they are kept in a cool cellar & spread out so as to prevent the accu-
mulation of moisture I hope they will not decay before you have
time to use them up which need not take long.
The last account we have had of you was a [underline]rumour[/underline] through some of
the Friends that thou hadst been badly hurt or frightened (we did not
learn which) while on a visit to thy Sister; I hope soon to hear from
thee & to know the truth of the case & also to get a circumstantial
history of all your dear family & particularly (because absent &
more exposed to danger) of thy dear Soldier boy. I fervently hope &
trust that his excellent moral character & his knowledge of & obedience to
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