the body are concerned we get along quite comfortably. We have a widow of 45 from Underhill as principal housekeeper who, though not a Rachel or an Ann in culinary arts yet does so well that we have no reason to complain, and we find too, for our comfort, that we can become reconciled by custom to many little changes and even privations which would once have been felt to be annoyances. My only fear with regard to our housekeeper is, that we may at a time when we think not to be deprived of her by some designing interloper, for I fancy she is not quite impervious to the softer sentiments.
It is a great comfort to us that dear sister Ann is again domiciled with us, for, though from want of experience as well as physical inability she takes no part in the household affairs except the pretty constant use of the needle yet her presence in the __ gives it an air of respectability of which it would be sadly deficient with only __ and for me the company of ore so similar in sentiments and so long accustomed to all my moods - good and bad - is cause of thankfulness. She is well excepting weak and her eyes and desires her to thee and thine.
Our last letter from Ann left them all well and announced the good news that the farm was advertised for sale, with a view to their return to Vermont. Though they have an excellent, beautiful, and in many respects desirable farm and home yet they have never, since they _ down __, felt reconciled to it as a permanent abode, and if they succeed in selling, they will probably find a place in this region and be nearer to us. This will at least I trust be a mutual satisfaction. I believe thy particular friends here are all in the enjoyment of usual health, except Elizabeth Haren - Robert's wife, who is thought to be near her end from disease of the heart. She suffers greatly. I might fill the page with gossip but hoping to see thee soon, on the occasion of the approaching Q[uaker] meeting, I forbear. Come and make us as long a visit as thou can afford.
With much love to thee and all in which the boys cordially unite I am as ever thy affectionate cousin.
Row. T. Robinson