


Letter 10 envelope

Letter 10 envelope

Mr. B. K. Lawlin in care of Alexander Menzels Duggist 577, 8th Avenue New York

Port Royal

Last edit 5 months ago by Personal Collection
Letter 10 page 1

Letter 10 page 1

Beaufork So. Carolina January 30th/62 Friend Burritt It is with feelings of pleasure I take my pencil in hand to write you a few lines in answer to your last which I recieved on the 28th of the month and which afforded me a great deal of pleasure I can assure you. You speak of my promotion which does not amount to much. When I was elected corporal on board of the Vanderbelt I was cheated out of it by a certain gang of men in my company who were not in my favor and they being great friends of my Leiutenant of course I was done out of my rights imediately. and again I was appointed to do Duty in the Bregade Quartermasters Department and was there about one month and on account of the Quarter Master being supersceded of course I was removed to my company once more. But I am in hopes of something before a great while. As the old saying goes theres a good time arming boys wait a Little longer. I was completely taken by surprise when I heard of John F. Craft belonging to Sickles Excelsior Brigade + am sure he the last one on this Earth who I thought of hearing of in the united states army however give my compliments to him and tell him I hope to see his name in the patrers(?) among those of our not be Generals. who are fighting for thier country's flag.

Last edit 5 months ago by Personal Collection
Letter 10 page 2

Letter 10 page 2

and tell him I hope to see him South Carolina before long. I am aware of the face of Geo Germ(?) and Thomas Johnstons joining the army some time ago. I supposed as you mentioned that you did not spend a very nice time on our new Years and Christmas on a [?] [?] many of the boys being away but then you did not spend it as mean as I. did away down south in Dixie land where I expect I will end my days in a short time. I am happy to hear of you spending your [?] well at Alex on Christmas day. Christmas here brought me in mond of Christmas one year ago you remember we were up to Beekman's pond skating and I had such good luck in getting into that mure(?) and got my head out. I am glad you spent a better new years than you did on Christmas. I expect you and John F Craft give my compliments to Miss Charity Sloate and Mary also all the girls of my aquaintance including Misses Craft and Tuthill. Charles Rapp, Robert Armour, John Monrow, David Turnett, all send their compliments to you and all aquaintences give my love to Alex and tell him I was sad when I heard of his losing his last born child with my love to all my folks. Friends and acquaintences. I now conclude and remain your friend. Geo Menzier 3rd Co 79th Regiment New York State Militia G. B. K. Laulin Esq Geo Meuzies

Last edit 5 months ago by Personal Collection
Letter 11 page 1

Letter 11 page 1

Tuthill Aug 17th/62 Friend Burritt. Yours of the 12th inst is before me and was much pleased to find it so long thy - Hope that the future will bring many of them. The longer the better - I have but a few minutes to this therefore it will not be very extensive. There is something curious about the letters of E. Anna + Julia as tis said they mail them and it is very seldom that I recieve any from them. I dont know what to think about it. I am sure that I have directed my letters right as I am very particular about it. As your rewated me to write Carrie -- I have done so and mailed it Yesterday in Poughkeepsie. I dont know what she will think.

Last edit 5 months ago by Personal Collection
Letter 11 page 2

Letter 11 page 2

I have recieved papers from both you and Ed for which I am obliged. Why I dont rec. any more letters from Ed especially as I do newspapers is queer. I have answered all his letters and written to him I think twice without rec'g answer. I suppose 'tis no use sending any word to the girls as if they cannot answer my letters more punctually they cannot care to hear from me. I hope that if they wish to break off the correspondence that they will write to me to that effect and I will say no more abou tit. But (?) the same would be sorry to rec. such letters - Burritt as you have nothing particular to attend to. I will furnish you employment if you wish it. We intend putting up sleighs soon and will offer you ten per cent to sell (?) all you can sell. We are going to build them in the best styles of first class material and have them fully rqual to any that can be made. By inquiring among your acquantances or elsewwhere you can tell if there is any prospect and if you think there is and can find a place to store one so that it wont cost you anything I will send you one as a specimen The prices range from about $40 to $85 according to style. As you have a

Last edit 5 months ago by Personal Collection
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