Letter 5 page 2
long hand, I would have had to wait until
you had become proficient in left hand
working which I think would have been
quite some time. but I am very very happy
to receive one from you at this late hour
and hope that by the time you write
again your left hand will be entirely
healed. Your description of the dissolution
of the partnership heretofore existingi between
Coutant & Lawlin is very graphic as is
also the selling out of your remaining interest
in the Concern but I suppose you made
it pay or else you would not have sold out
but Burritt I think the smoking arrrange-
ment was a pretty good joke on the person
that was so generous as to buy you out.
I suppose you told him all about the smo-
king arrangement & the defect in the flue
previous to the purchase - whew - yes I
guess so - but Burritt you done well I think
by selling out if that was your fix - so
both you and John T had withdrawn from
business & returned to your Country seats
John T did sent me a paper & there was an
article in it that stated the object of his
withdrawal from the firm was in conse-
quence of business in Europe that required
his services but that while gone had
on the other side of the water he would
bear in mind the happy hours he had spent
in the business and would work while
there in iwhatever way he could for the
interest of the paper when decidedly good
So he has retired - he has gone to Europe
to engross his mind in business & lo and
behold he is rusticating in a sweet
little town in the centre of the state: Tuthill Ulster
for by name why Europe must have been
condensed to a considerable extent since
I last heard it spoken of but so the world
goes & my best wishes for John T whereverhe is
or wherever he goes. Europe or Tuthill but
I suppose now he will be going to War in
consequence of the late call for 300000
Volunteers. I think the Government are going
to get all the men they want without any
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