Letter 5 page 3
trouble- for recruits are coming in from
all parts Indiana's quota I think will
be raised very easily. It is Eleven Regi-
-ments of Infantry + b Batteries of Artillery
I believe N York quota is 56,000 I mean
the state but that grand union meeting
must have been a big thing . I would like
to have been in N York at the time. I expect
the meeting was as large as the one last
April if not larger - was it not. the papers
state the number at 50,000 quite a
crowd- there is to be two regiments
raised in the county and I guess
they will get them very easily- for re-
-cruiting us very brisk- they raised
30 or 40 men in this town alone - the
other days- Tuesday I think. it seems
small to the eyes of N York folks - but
30 or 40 men from this little place in
one day is considered big- I expect
those men authorized by the Governor to
go around to the different houses +
ascertain the names of all able bodied
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