



Status: Complete

County: Montgomery

Year: 1820

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Thompson William
Thompson David
Thebeau Joseph 150 Town Lots
Tutt William
Thornton William
Vanbibber James
Vanbibber Isaac
Vanbibber James
Vinsans Louis
Williams Asa
Williams Joseph
Wells James
Williamson Cornelius
Williamson Samuel
Wilbourn John
Wyatt John Junr.
Wyatt Anthony
Whiteside Francis
Whiteside James
Warner Winkoop
Ward John
Wyatt John Senr.
Welch John
Welch Henry
Wheeler Chester
Waddle Robert
Waddle Elias
Wyatt Douglas
Ward Frazier 50 Town Lots
Williams George
Williams Caleb
Ward Frazier

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