MHS_Taxes_V31_St Francois_1823_0014




Status: Page Status Transcribed

county: St. Francois

year: 1823

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Blackwell James
Blackwell Jesse Spanish grant to Nathel. Cook and W. Holmes
Blackwell Jesse
Bounds James
Baker Adam
Brady William
Bounds John Sr.
Bounds John Jr.
Bounds Isaac
Birth Lewis
Brina Benajah
Becker Benja.
Baily James A.
Bryan Emily
Becker John
Bent Jamez
Burget Mitchel
Baker John granted to Andrew Baker
Baker John
Barry Willson
Brown Samuel
Bounds Jesse
Bradshaw Wm. and John Bradshaw
Bradshaw John and Wm. Bradshaw
Bush John
Bruette Joseph

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