MHS_Taxes_V31_St Francois_1823_0020




Status: Page Status Transcribed

county: St. Francois

year: 1823

Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix Township Range City Notes
Dent Mark
Dunn Mathew
Dennis Lewis C.
Duckworth Pulaski C.
Dent Absalom and Jno. Dent
Dent Jno. and Absalom Dent
Estes Mary Spanish Grant by Ezekiel Estes
Estes Mary
Estes William Spanish Grant by E. Estes
Estes William
Estes Ganem Spanish Grant by E. Estes
Estes Ganem
Estis Ledford
Eades Thomas
Estis John confirmed to Robt. Estes
Estis John
Estis May confirmed to Robt. Estes
Estis May
Estis Barnet
Estis Jno. J.
Eades Mathiaz
Evans William
Eaton Lazarus
Eatin Abraham
Estes Smith confirmed to Robt. Estes

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