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Mrs. &, L. T. Wolcote
Ch. Window Garden Committee
Dear Madam
After furnishing
the plants of the beds & lots
in the cemetery it some- happens^some years^ that there
are more plants than [we?]
require, but at this time
it is not possible for me
to say. Should there
be plants left over I
shall be glad to let you
have some.
[Subject: Regard for surplus plants]
Massachusetts Horticultural Society,
Boston, May 20th 1889
Supt. Mt Auburn Cemetery
Dear Sir
The Committee on Window Garden-
ing - of this Socy are having
many demands from Mission
Sunday Schools for plants for
their pupils, Hoping by some
little religious ceremony to aid
the children, to care for a
plant, and present it in the
month of Sep. for the simple
prizes we offer -
We have no way of supply
ing these demands - I have
a promise of one hundred
pots from Mrs Ross, of Newton
Cemetery, of others from Mr
Barker of Forest Hill - I hope
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