Horticulture Invoice: Winship & Co., Brighton Botanic Gardens and Nurseries, 1854 April 21 (recto)
[Letterhead: BRIGHTON BOTANIC GARDENS AND NURSERIES On the Mill Dam Road, five miles from State Street, Boston, and on the line of the Boston and Worcester Railroad.
Mr Rufus Howe} Brighton, Bought of WINSHIP & CO.} Fruit and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, HERBACEOUS, MEDICINAL, AND CULINARY PLANTS, VINES, CREEPERS, &c. (hand pointing left) Catalogues furnished on application (upside hand pointing right)
E.A. Story } Office in Boston, 26 Broad Street F. L. Winship }
__ | 10 Syringas, 50 (cents) 10 Euomymus, 50 (cents) 10 Lilacs, 50 | 15 | |
__ | 20 Honeysuckles, 50 (cents) Carting 50 | 10.50 | |
May 12 | 100 Arboritae 24 (cents) 6 Spruce .75 Carting 2 loads, 50 | 29.50 | $55. |
To be credited as addition
Horticulture Invoice: Winship & Co., Brighton Botanic Gardens and Nurseries, 1854 April 21 (verso)
31 Windship & Co bill $55 settled 33