1855-05-12 Horticulture Invoice: James Hill, 2021.005.007



Horticulture Invoice: James Hill, 1855 (recto)

Horticulture Invoice: James Hill, 1855 (recto)


Mr. Rufus Howe. Bought of James Hill-

4 Dos of Verbeneas @ 125 --- 5-00
2 Do 2-00
2 Dos Monthly Roses 300 6-00
2 Do Salvias 150 3-00
2 Do Featherfew 150 3-00
1 Do Heelytrope 1.50
1 Do Fushias 2.00
1 Do Dallias 1.00
22-- 5 Dos Verbeneas 125 6-25
2 Do Salvias 100 2.00
1 Do Maxecana 1.25
1 Do Heelytrope 1.50
2 Do Monthly Roses 300 6.00
Received Payt. James. Farney $40.50 For. James. Hill -
Last edit almost 4 years ago by Elizabeth Casner
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