00_1867-08-12 Letter: Superintendent Winsor to Trustees, 1831.016.001.005-001



Needs Review


Daniel L. Winsor Aug. 12. 1867 (fees for [deposit?] in R. T. & Public Lots)

[Letterhead: Mount Auburn Cemetery.]

Mount Auburn, August 12 1867

To the Trustees Mount Auburn Cemetery

Dear Sirs.

I beg leave to offer the following for your consideration

The price for the deposit of a body in the Receiving Tomb has ever been $2000 and if a lot was selected within 4 months $1400 was returned & body was interred free of charge! When the price of land and interrment fees was raised, the matter of increasing the amount of deposit was spoken of but was not changed. At present, the Receiving Tomb has a large number of bodies in [it?] and some 6 or 7 bodies have remained there over One Year and our custom has ever been, to inter them, after having given repeated notice that we should do so Now, as the price charged for an interrment in the "St Pauls Lot" say $3000 to bury those bodies which are left in the R Tomb to

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Graveyard_girl
Needs Review


be disposed of according to our usual custom It becomes a loosing business to the corporation to inter them in the "St Pauls Lot", and I have selected a plot of Ground of no value for any other purpose which can be bounded with Corner Posts & made large enough to hold from 50 [?] 100 bodies and can be called the "Receiving Tomb Lot" & when interred, they can be numbered from 1 upwards, and a regular Record kept at the Lodge as before This piece of ground is situated back of Mistletoe Path, and alongside of the Stockade[fence?] and in the rear of a [line?] of Tombs. I have shown the [?] to Mr James Cheever who fully coincides with my views in the matter and will be able to point out the exact locality on the new Map. Even if the Board of trustees should conclude to set apart this valueless land to be used for the sole purpose of a "Receiving Tomb Lot" I should advise at the same time to alter the Receiving Tomb fee to $2500. Returning within 4 months say $1800if the body is removed. Respectfully Yours Daniel L. Winsor

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Graveyard_girl
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