Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 101)




Status: Indexed


Suitable granite foundation can be erected of a suit-
able heighth on the whole length of the Cemetery
fronting on the Cambridge & Watertown public
Highway for an expense not exceeding 17000 $ -


The other three Sides of the Cemetery the
Committee propose should be enlosed by a hedge
of Buck Thorn or some other Shrub thickly
planted within & near^to the present wooden fence
This would in a few years with suitable care consti-
tute ______ a substantial & beautiful enclosure; &
might be done an an expense not exceeding 1000$


(2) As to draining the grounds & obtaining a Supply
of pure water - the various ponds may be made to com-
municate with each other, & the stagnant water be
drawn off the same by Suitable ditches, so as ultimately
to pass through the low grounds into Charles River -
The ponds can then be excavated & the materials ob-
tained therefrom applied to fertilize the grounds on the
borders of the Cemetery, & good gravel bottoms be sub-
stituted in the ponds, or if deemed necessary or ex-
pedient, the ponds can be partially filled up or
narrowed in their area - The committee estimate
the expense of accomplishing this part of the plan as
not exceeding 3000$


In respect to the conveying of pure water
into the grounds, the committee are aware of some
difficulty - the most probably Source of Supply is from
Fresh Pond by means of an Apparatus to raise the
water above the level of the Ponds in the Cemetery &
then to conduct it through the intermediate lands

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Note: estimated cost of iron fence at front of cemetery: $17.000
Estimated cost of hedge around other three sides: $3,000
VERY intersting: plans for altering the landscape by planting the above hedge, and for draining low lands, using materials scoured out for fertilizer and adding gravel to the bottom of the ponds.
VERY interesting plans for altering the landscape by renovating ponds. Description of the problems of bringing fresh water from Fresh Pond to the cemetery, including using " an Apparatus to raise the water above the level of the Ponds in the Cemetery &
then to conduct it through the intermediate lands...