Trustees Records, Vol. 1, 1835 (page 198)




Status: Indexed


thirteen feet in a straight line - easterly
also by land now or formerly of said heirs
in nearly a straight line nine hundred
and fifty feet to the edge of the salt marsh
at a post _ thence southeasterly by a
slightly curved line at the junction of the
upland and the marsh and by land now
or late of said heirs of Cornelius Stone
about six hundred and seventy one
feet to a stake _ thence easterly by land
now or late of said heirs and a straight
line across said marsh to a stake at
the river one hundred and four feet:
said parcel of land being that parcel of the
estate of the late Moses Stone deceased, lying
Southeast of the road and way aforesaid,
which was set off to his ^widow for her dower and
occupied as such by her until her death.
Together with all building standing
thereon and togher with all and every
the rights, easements, privileges and appur-
tenances to said granted premises belonging
or used therewith: and especially a right
of way in over and upon a stip of land
belonging to the said Proprietors of the Cem-
etery of Mount Auburn and extending
from the main road (which lies in
front of the Cemetery) to Watertown _ to the
back or southerly line of said Cemetery
bounding on the easterly side in part

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