Trustees Records, Vol. 2, 1854 (page 206)




Status: Indexed


Bye Law proposed _ Catacombs

Catacombs _

"Catacomb tombs may be constructed in such
places as shall be approved by the Committee on
Lots, the entrance doors of which may be above
ground, provided no bodies shall be placed
in them except in pigeon holes made satisfac-
tory to the Superintendent, with stone door ^or shutters to
the same, made tight with cement, ~

It was then voted

That the other matters and
suggestions contained in the Superintendents commu-
nication be referred to the Committee on Grounds
to report thereon at a future meeting. _

Adjournt _

Upon motion of Mr Cheever
Voted that when this meeting adjourn, it be
to next Monday morning

Mr Curtis takes chair _

The President being called away, Mr. Curtis was
invited to the Chair. _

Lot 1094 to be divided _

A communication was received from Jas. L. Little
proprietor of lot no. 1094. containing 600 square feet, re-
questing leave to reconvey the same to the Corporation, and
that two deeds of said land may threupon issue
containing 300 feet each, to himself and Mrs Sarah
M. Adams

Upon motion of Mr Gould,
Voted that the the petition be granted.

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Of note: New construction rules for catacombs added to Bye- Laws based on Superintendent's Report from visit to Greenwood Cemetery.