Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 052)




Status: Indexed


Com. on Statuary_


Voted that the President and Mr Gould be a Committee on Statuary

Comee to obtain Amendt of Charter.


Voted that the Committee appointed at the last meeting (Messrs Curtis, Nazro and Sleeper,)
to apply to the Legislature for such Amendment of the Charter as will allow of the conveyance of
lots to heirs at law, &c be hereby reappointed.

Comee to consider expedy of building Tombs

Upon motion by Mr Cheever,
Voted that the Committee on Grounds be instructed
to examine and report as to the expediency of building
one or more tombs for sale by the Corporation

The meeting was then adjourned to the next
regular meeting. Attest Austin J. Coolidge,, Secretary


Trustees .

The regular monthly meeting of the Trustees was held
at the usual place, on

There were present the President, Messrs Andrews,
Cheever, Crocker, Curtis and Nazro. = 6.

The Record of the last meeting was read.

Stable at Superintendts House _

Upon motion by Mr Curtis,

Voted that the question of the expediency of building a
suitable stable in connection with the Superintendent's house
be referred to the Committee on Grounds, to report upon
at the next meeting.

Tombs to be built by Corpn for sale.

The President made the following report for the Committee
upon Grounds in favor of building tombs: _

"That the Superintendent be authorized to construct
for sale two tombs in the manner proposed by him in
his late communication to the Trustees, the cost not
to exceed twelve hundred and fifty ($1250) dollars."

Upon motion by Mr Nazro, the same was

Notes and Questions

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Elizabeth Casner

Approved for the Superintendent to construct two tombs to then be sold. Which tombs are these?


I'm pretty sure these were on Hazel Dell Path - but there still is a lot 402 in front of an unnumbered lot associated with a sidehill tomb just north of the consecration Dell that was built by the cemetery and never sold.