Trustees Records, Vol. 3, 1859 (page 086)




Status: Indexed


Resolutions upon death of B.A. Gould _ continued _

a solemn public trust, and the fidelity,
zeal, and undeviating good temper, with which
he has applied himself to the discharge of this dut[y.]

They recollect with unmixed satisfaction
the disinterested and honorable character of their
friend, his warm and generous instincts, the
unalterable integrity with which he obeyed
the promptings of a kind heart controlled and
guided by a strong judgement and conscientious
love of right.

To the family of the deceased they would
convey the expression of their deep felt sympathy
in aid of the higher consolation, which will
always remain to them in contempating the
example of his life, and in cherishing his
unspotted memory.

The President for the Comee upon Grounds
submitted a paper of which the following is a
copy, being in part a report of matters referred
to said Committee, and in part recommendation
of new matters deemed important by the Committee

Topographical Survey of Cemetery-

The Committee on Grounds beg leave respect-
fully to report

That they recommend that a topo-
graphical survey be made of the whole ceme-
tery, on a scale at least four times as
large as the largest maps now owned by
the corporation, and at an expense not

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